* ALTER DATABASE ... SET, so use the same permission check. */if(!pg_database_ownercheck(databaseid, GetUserId())) aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, OBJECT_DATABASE, stmt->database); } } if (!stmt->role): 如果没有指定角色,表示这是 ALTER DATABASE 操作。 pg_database_ownercheck...
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE db_tpcc OWNER joe; 1. 当结果显示为如下信息,则表示创建成功。 CREATE DATABASE 1. db_tpcc数据库创建完成后,就可以按如下方法退出postgres数据库,使用新用户joe连接db_tpcc数据库执行创建表等操作。您也可以选择继续在默认的postgres数据库下进行后续的体验。 openGauss=# \q gsql...
When creating a file system, multiple buckets can be defined as the underlying storage of the file system through the--shardsoption. In this way, the system will distribute the files to multiple buckets based on the hashed value of the file name. Data sharding technology can distribute the lo...
Create the extension view with the user that has the privileges of a superuser or a database owner. Connect topsqlas a superuser for a database and run theCREATE EXTENSIONcommand: After the setup is complete, you can see the stats collected bypg_stat_monitor. ...
Log into an interactive Postgres session by typing: sudo-upostgres psql Copy You will be given a PostgreSQL prompt where you can set up our requirements. First, create a database for your project: CREATE DATABASEmyproject; Copy Note:Every Postgres statement must end with a sem...
Function bundle:Data Access Returns the average value of a given numeric field in a FeatureSet. Parameters features:FeatureSet- A FeatureSet on which to perform the operation. fieldNameOrSQLExpression:Text- Specifies the name of a numeric field or SQL92 expression for which the statistic will be...
env.DATABASE_URL; module.exports = { session: process.env.SESSION_ID || '', session: process.env.SESSION_ID || 'FLASH-MD-WA-BOT;;;=>', PREFIXES: (process.env.PREFIX || '').split(',').map(prefix => prefix.trim()).filter(Boolean), OWNER_NAME: process.env.OWNER_NAME || "...
Database: MySQL www.mysql.com MySQL is a popular relational database and with good support for the sort of lookups required in a mail server. Postgres can also be used, but not supported by all the tools used for this set up. Content Check: Amavisd-new www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/ ...
System.out.println(user.owner.get().get().name); } 开发者ID:orekyuu,项目名称:Moco,代码行数:17,代码来源:Sample.java 示例3: initDataSource ▲点赞 3▼ importcom.mysql.cj.jdbc.MysqlDataSource;//导入方法依赖的package包/类/** * https://github.com/brettwooldridge/HikariCP/wiki/MySQL-Configu...
// RenameTable renames the table or view.// Privileges: DROP on source table/view, CREATE on destination database.// Notes: postgres requires the table owner.// mysql requires ALTER, DROP on the original table, and CREATE, INSERT// on the new table (and does not copy priv...