Several possibilities using either the default math mode or the amssymb package. The empty set in mathematics represents a set that contains nothing. How to write empty set in Latex ? You can use the default math mode or the amssymb package: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}\usepackage[u...
A: By express to your warehouse,3-5 working days; By air to your nearest airport,5-7 working days; By sea to your nearest port,15-30 working days; When the goods shipped out,we will provide you the tracking number...
the sole answer (and with many upvotes) states "Compile with XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX, and use: \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Times New Roman} This is true Times New Roman, via modern TeX engines." A while back, if someone wanted to approximate the real Times New Roman font, there wa...
”12345”,”CMNET”andsoon,doubleationmarkscanbeseenasthesymbolislocatedinthesquare bracketsdonotusedoublees,eachoptionalsub-stringparameterstringcommandoranoptionalpartof TAreturnsresultsspacesbetweencharactersnegligiblepractice,,[叮donothavetoenteralltheAT commanditselfisnotcasesensitive,butitsparametersarecasesens...