integerSpinBox.setRange(-20,20) integerSpinBox.setSingleStep(1) integerSpinBox.setValue(0) zoomLabel = QLabel("Enter a zoom value between %d and %d:"% (0,1000)) zoomSpinBox = QSpinBox() zoomSpinBox.setRange(0,1000) zoomSpinBox.setSingleStep(10) zoomSpinBox.setSuffix('%') zoomSpinBox...
purpose of '' is to map the boolean features computed in '' to integers, and do the reverse mapping (if you want to know the name of a feature from its index). '' is used to compute the features of a token in a sentence, which you will be ...
, which outputs variables to table rows which the user can insert into a TeX, LaTeX, HTML or Microsoft Word table. ingap inserts observation next to (before or after) each of a list of observations specified by the user. The user specifies a list of integers, and ingap inserts gap ...
I am still having issues with set null; It seems it only work with integers? It is not allowing me to set null for float. ThanksMahyar says: June 16, 2016 at 7:27 am Words really cannot describe how thankful I am. Awesome straightforward method. To Aicam: I actually could get ...
Meaning:isasumofintegerseachrepresentingaclassofinformation(default7): 1voice(telephony) 2data(referstoallbearerservices;withmode二2thismayreferonlytosomebearerserviceif TAdoesnotsupportvalues16,32,64and128) 4fax(facsimileservices) 8shortmessageservice 16datacircuitsync 32datacircuitasync 64dedicatedpacketac...
preferred value and any lower range limit or preferred value, regardless of whether ranges are separately disclosed. Where a range of numerical values is recited herein, unless otherwise stated, the range is intended to include the endpoints thereof, and all integers and fractions within the range...
TLatex latexLabel; latexLabel.SetNDC(); latexLabel.SetTextSize(0.05); latexLabel.SetTextFont(42); latexLabel.DrawLatex(0.33,0.96,"CMS Preliminary 2011"); latexLabel.DrawLatex(0.67,0.38,"#sqrt{s} = 7 TeV"); latexLabel.DrawLatex(0.62,0.25, Form("#intL dt = %.2f fb^{-1}",4.98))...
latexLabel.DrawLatex(0.67,0.38,"#sqrt{s} = 7 TeV"); latexLabel.DrawLatex(0.62,0.25, Form("#intL dt = %.2f fb^{-1}",4.98)); c1->RedrawAxis(); c1->Print("wprimewz_limits.C"); c1->Print("wprimewz_limits.pdf"); c1->Print("wprimewz_limits.png"); ...