This parameter is available only in the cloud-based service. The BookingsPhoneNumberEntryRestricted parameter specifies whether phone numbers can be collected from Bookings customers. Valid values are: $true: Appointment notes can't be collected from Bookings customers. $false: Appointment notes can be...
一个事务会记录所修改行的hash值,在事务提交写入binlog的时候,遍历该事务修改的行的hash值,在全局的map中进行查找,如果有相同的hash值表明有两个事务修改了同一行,记录有冲突的sequence number,取最大的sequence number作为该事务的commit parent(如果没有任何冲突,则commit parent设置为map中最小的sequence number)。
for i in number_list: if i[1] == 0 : sql = "SELECT * FROM {} LIMIT 1000000 >> {}_{}_data_{}.csv;".format(table,self.db_name,table,i[1]) print(sql) # self.cursor.execute(sql) else: sql = "SELECT * FROM {} LIMIT 1000000 offset {} >> {}_{}_data_{}.csv;".forma...
01S01Error in rowTheRowNumberargument was 0, and an error occurred in one or more rows while performing the operation specified with theOperationargument. (SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO is returned if an error occurs on one or more, but not all, rows of a multirow operation, and SQL_ERROR is ...
Valid values for this parameter are groups in your organization (distribution groups, mail-enabled security groups, and dynamic distribution groups). Specifying a group means all members of the group are allowed to send messages to this recipient. You can use any value that uniquely identifies the...
Therefore, you can't use the AcceptMessagesOnlyFrom and AcceptMessagesOnlyFromSendersOrMembers parameters in the same command. By default, this parameter is blank ($null), which allows this recipient to accept messages from all senders. Expand table Type: MultiValuedProperty Position: Named ...
类型: SubjectNameFormatTypes 别名: SubjectTypes 接受的值: SubjectRequireCommonNameAsEmail, SubjectRequireCommonNameAsDeviceName, SubjectRequireCommonNameAsOSName, SubjectRequireCommonNameAsIMEI, SubjectRequireCommonNameAsMEID, SubjectRequireCommonNameAsSerialNumber, SubjectRequireCommonNameAsDeviceT...
hive -f -S exer.sql > /tmp/output.txt -- 执行bash shell ! pwd; -- 执行dfs命令 dfs -ls / 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 切割字段显示为多行 SELECT TEST.* ,SPLIT(KPI,':')[0] AS KPI_CODE ,SPLIT(KPI,':')[1] AS KPI_VALUE ...
This endpoint retrieves book status, book name, and book ID for ticker requested in JSON format. This end-point accepts ticker and template_id as inputs. If the template_id input is not used, a book will be created with FactSet's default template. Parameters 展開資料表 NameKeyRequired...
Templates need to defined/created in FactSet workstation. BookBuilder - Create Book from Template : This endpoint retrieves book status, book name, and book ID for ticker requested in JSON format. BookBuilder - Get PDF : This endpoint will return the PDF output given a book_id....