SDO_NET.SET_MAX_JAVA_HEAP_SIZE( bytes IN NUMBER); Description Sets the Java maximum heap size for an application to run in an Oracle Java virtual machine. Parameters bytes Number of bytes for the Java maximum heap size. Usage Notes If you encounter the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError exception...
java_mem_max using increments of 1024 MB: 1 GB = -Xmx1024m 2 GB = -Xmx2048m Discovery Agent The default maximum Java heap size is 256 MB. For discovery ranges equivalent to a class B subnet, or in excess of 30,000 addressable device...
-XX:MaxPermSize=900m the real issue is the 3rd one, that makes the difference Parikshit Verma Send Private MessageFlag post as spam Posted:1 decade ago i believe java heap space size can be set depending upon the ram on the computer. I have set it xmx750m (i.e. 750 mb) as I ...
SDO_TOPO_MAP.SET_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE( maxsize IN NUMBER DEFAULT 268435456); Description Sets the Java maximum heap size for an application to run in an Oracle Java virtual machine. Parameters maxsize Number of bytes for the Java maximum heap size. The default value is 268435456 (256 MB). ...
INIT_HEAP_SIZE ||--| MAX_HEAP_SIZE : 设置 INIT_HEAP_SIZE ||--| EFFICIENCY : 影响 MAX_HEAP_SIZE ||--| EFFICIENCY : 影响 总结 在开发过程中,合理设置Android Studio的内存大小是非常重要的。通过本文介绍的优化步骤,我们可以避免一些常见的内存错误,并提高开发效率。希望本文能对大家有所帮助。如果有...
直接内存(Direct Memory)并不是虚拟机运行时的数据区的一部分,也不是java虚拟机规范中定义的内存区域,不会受到java堆大小的限制,不受jvm gc的管理。这部分内存如果频繁使用,也可能导致OutOfMemoryError异常, 测试本机直接内存溢出,DirectMemory容量可通过-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize设置,如果不指定,默认与Java堆最大值(...
Java堆的初始化主要由Universe模块来完毕,来看下Universe模块初始化的代码,universe_init。 jint universe_init() { assert(!Universe::_fully_initialized, "called after initialize_vtables"); guarantee(1 << LogHeapWordSize == sizeof(HeapWord),
public final void setMaxFieldSize(int max) 参数 max 指示最大字节数的 int 值。 例外 SQLServerException 备注 此setMaxFieldSize 方法是由 java.sql.Statementt 接口中的 setMaxFieldSize 方法指定的。 另请参阅 SQLServerStatement 成员 SQLServerStatement 类反馈...
odps.sql.mapjoin.memory.max 设置MAPJOIN场景小表读入内存后的大小,单位MiB。 说明 该参数同时受Task级别的总内存全局限制影响。同Task多个小表总内存全局上限=std::min(8G, odps.sql.mapjoin.memory.max * 同Task小表个数)。 取值范围:0 MiB~8192 MiB JOIN SQL Session
The maximum memory size of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap for a user-defined function (UDF). If a large amount of data is calculated and sorted in the memory by using a UDF, the OOM error may occur. In this case, you can increase the value of this property. However, you must...