时序例外主要由伪路径设置(set_false_path)、最大最小延迟设置(set_max_delay/set_min_delay)和多周期路径设置(set_muticycle_path)组成。具体介绍如下: 1.set_fale_path (伪路径设置) 1.1语法结构 [-setup] [-hold] [-rise] [-fall] [-reset_path] [-fromfrom_list] [-toto_list] [-throughthrough...
set_false_path -through {u1/Z u2/Z} –through {u5/Z u6/Z} 取消通过u14/Z到达ff29/Reset上升时序路径 set_false_path–rise_through {u14/Z} –to {ff29/Reset} 更多: current_design,reset_design, reset_path, set_disable_timing, set_max_delay, set_min_delay,set_multicycle_path Q1 哪些...
current_design,reset_design, reset_path, set_disable_timing, set_max_delay, set_min_delay,set_multicycle_path Q1 哪些端口不需要约束? 静态信号可以set_false_path,比如reset,test_mode,function_mode_select, 不能真的什么约束都不加 Q2 什么样的reset信号可以set_false_path? 如果在工作时,reset信号有...
set_false_path -to [get_pins -of_objects [get_cells -hier {*async_chain_reg[0]}] -filter {NAME =~ *D}]The I have a structured 3 line approach to set_max_delay on the reset pins of these FF. 1st I set the endpoint PRE/CLR pin, Then I find the startpoi...
No "set_max_delay" is required. But it turns out that set_max_delay only accepts data path pins as destinations, not control set pins as destinations. The nomenclature "data pin" here is confusing (and a little inconsistent). From the point of view of static timing, there is no such ...
set_false_path -from [get_port reset] -to [all_registers] 1. 2、禁止工具对两个异步时钟域CLKA和CLKB之间,从CLKA到CLKB的路径的时序分析: set_false_path -from [get_clocks CLKA] -to [get_clocks CLKB] 1. 3、非功能路径的约束可以使用-through替代-from -to的选项完成约束: ...
wdsutil [Options] /Set-Server [/Server:<Server name>] [/Authorize:{Yes | No}] [/RogueDetection:{Yes | No}] [/AnswerClients:{All | Known | None}] [/Responsedelay:] [/AllowN12forNewClients:{Yes | No}] [/ArchitectureDiscovery:{Yes | No}] [/resetBootProgram:{Yes | No}] [/Defau...
[-EventLogFloodProtectionTriggerPeriod <Int32>] [-InputObject <PSObject>] [-LogCutInterval <Int32>] [-LogDiskSpaceUsageGB <Int32>] [-LogLocation <String>] [-LogMaxDiskSpaceUsageEnabled] [-ScriptErrorReportingDelay <Int32>] [-ScriptErrorReportingEnabled] [-ScriptErrorReportingRequireAuth] [<...
Bitsadmin /reset Bitsadmin /resume Bitsadmin /setaclflag Bitsadmin /setclientcertificatebyid Bitsadmin /setclientcertificatebyname Bitsadmin /setcredentials Bitsadmin /setcustomheaders Bitsadmin /setdescription Bitsadmin /setdisplayname Bitsadmin /setmaxdownloadtime Bitsadmin /setminretrydelay Bitsadmin /setnoprog...
Since there is a path delay of 3.3ns from the input 48 MHz clock to the output 48MHz clock the timings appear to be some 3ns off (confirmed by my Logic Analyzer). The TimeQuest reports all show output delay min/max in relation to the input clock, not the output cl...