在Linux中,可以使用以下两个函数设置和获取进程的CPU Affinity属性 #define _GNU_SOURCE#include<sched.h>intsched_setaffinity(pid_tpid,size_tcpusetsize,constcpu_set_t*mask);intsched_getaffinity(pid_tpid,size_tcpusetsize,cpu_set_t*mask);/* Set the CPU affinity for a task */externintsched_seta...
Set-CsNetworkSubnet [[-Identity] <XdsGlobalRelativeIdentity>] [-Description <String>] [-MaskBits <Int32>] [-NetworkSiteID <String>] [-Force] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell Kopie Set-CsNetworkSubnet [-Instance <PSObject>] [-Description <String>] [-MaskBits <Int32...
For example, a selector value of 6 requests both information on rotation and stretching and will result in the setting of both bits 8 and 9.The following table encapsulates the above information.展开表 Query Selector BitQuery Selector Bit MaskResult BitsResult Bit MaskVersion Requirements...
set with bit mask, each bit maps to a GPIO In embedded systems programming, it is common to use bit masks to control GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pins. A bit mask is a binary value where each bit represents the state of a specific pin. By manipulating the bits of the mask, ...
For example, a selector value of 6 requests both information on rotation and stretching and will result in the setting of both bits 8 and 9.The following table encapsulates the above information.展开表 Query Selector BitQuery Selector Bit MaskResult BitsResult Bit MaskVersion Requirements...
The IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_WAIT_MASK request configures the serial controller driver to notify a client after the occurrence of any one of a specified set of wait events.A client can wait for the wait events represented by flag bits SERIAL_EV_RXCHAR through SERIAL_EV_EVENT2. For more information ...
__cpu_mask __bits[__CPU_SETSIZE / __NCPUBITS]; } cpu_set_t; # define __CPU_ZERO(cpusetp) \ do { \ unsigned int __i; \ cpu_set_t *__arr = (cpusetp); \ for (__i = 0; __i < sizeof (cpu_set_t) / sizeof (__cpu_mask); ++__i) \ ...
public void EnableDoubleBuffering() { // Set the value of the double-buffering style bits to true. this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); this.UpdateStyles(); } Remarks Control style bit flags are used to categorize supporte...
Checks to determine if all bits in a provided mask are set. C++ public: [System::Runtime::CompilerServices::Extension]staticboolIsMaskSet(Microsoft::MixedReality::Toolkit::UI::ManipulationHandler::ReleaseBehaviorType a, Microsoft::MixedReality::Toolkit::UI::ManipulationHandler::ReleaseBehaviorT...