EN使用pl sql developer的版本7以上,下载CnPlugin插件,文件解压缩后,将里面的CnPlugin.dll和CnPlugin...
By default, the delimiter or separator for items in aCSVfile can be either semicolon (;) or commas (,). The choice depends on the region where Excel is being used. However, when exporting data from Affinity, commas (,) are used as the default delimiter/separator. This can sometimes lea...
setDelimiter() The following examples show how to use com.univocity.parsers.csv.CsvFormat#setDelimiter() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check...
Java Code Examples for com.csvreader.CsvWriter#setRecordDelimiter() There are not any examples for com.csvreader.CsvWriter.setRecordDelimiter(). You may use the search function to quickly find examples for thousands of other Java classes. ...
I just modified my script to only test on 1 computer. I made sure this computer has all values filled. Still, without the -parallel it works but with it it fails. Could it be that I can't use $_. with -parralel, from what I saw it should be feasible. ...
$complist|ForEach-Object{$PC=$_.name$OS=$_.OperatingSystem$DN=$_.distinguishedname$enable=$_.enabled$desc=$_.DescriptionWrite-Host"test"write-host"working on$PC,$OS,$DN,$Enable,$desc,$count/$total"$pingtest=Test-Connection-ComputerName$PC-Quiet-Count 1-ErrorAction SilentlyContinuew...
I just modified my script to only test on 1 computer. I made sure this computer has all values filled. Still, without the -parallel it works but with it it fails. Could it be that I can't use $_. with -parralel, from what I saw it should be feasible. ...
I just modified my script to only test on 1 computer. I made sure this computer has all values filled. Still, without the -parallel it works but with it it fails. Could it be that I can't use $_. with -parralel, from what I saw it should be feasible. ...
| You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression. The concerned line is like this : $ArrayWithHeader.add([pscustomobject]@{'OS'=$_.OperatingSystem;'Computer_Name'=$_.name;'DN'=$_.distinguishedname;'enabled'=$_.enabled;'Description'=$_.Description;'Reacheable'=$pingtest})...
AmbiguousParameterSet with ForEach-Object -parallel Hello, I have this error when trying to use parallele tasks. Can anybody help on this please? $TimeDuration = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() [System.Collections.ArrayLi...