当这个属性指定的值是一个函数句柄时,Matlab就会将这个函数视为一个结构,包含下列字段——character(以当前键盘上按下的按键显示的字符来当作结果),modifier(包含一个或多个识别键盘上按下按键字符名称的细胞数组(如Ctrl,Alt,Shift等),key(显示被按下的键)。 (18)WindowButtonDownFcn:有效值为字符串或函数句柄 当...
set(0,'defaultfigurecolor','w'); 效果如上面两张图。 线条形态LineStyle 将namearray设置为LineStyle,可以修改其线型。 NameArray= {'LineStyle'};ValueArray= {'-','--',':'}'; 数据点的Marker 将namearray设置为Marker,可以修改其样本点的标记形式。 NameArray= {'Marker','Tag'};ValueArray= {'o'...
linfitplot(x, y, markerColor, lineColor, printRhoR2) File Exchange drawShadedRectangle File Exchange 카테고리 MATLABGraphics2-D and 3-D PlotsData Distribution PlotsScatter Plots Help Center및File Exchange에서Scatter Plots에 대해 자세히 알아보기 ...
Set the Marker and Tag properties of the three different Stem objects to different values. Each row of the value cell array corresponds to an object in st and contains two values, one for the Marker property and one for the Tag property. Get x = 0:30; y = [1.5*cos(x); 4*exp(...
set(y,'FontSize',12,'Color','g') legend(h,'First','Second','Third') %添加图例 title('Bessel Functions') %添加标题 [y,ix]=min(y1); %找到y1的最小值以及改值的下标,赋给y和ix text(x(ix),y,'First Min \rightarrow','HorizontalAlignment','right') %插入文本 ...
Set the Marker and Tag properties of the three different Stem objects to different values. Each row of the value cell array corresponds to an object in st and contains two values, one for the Marker property and one for the Tag property. Get x = 0:30; y = [1.5*cos(x); 4*exp(...
将三个不同针状序列对象的Marker和Tag属性设置为不同值。值元胞数组的每一行对应于h中的一个对象且包含两个值,一个对应于Marker属性,一个对应于Tag属性。 AI检测代码解析 x = 0:30; y = [1.5*cos(x); 4*exp(-.1*x).*cos(x); exp(.05*x).*cos(x)]'; ...
Set the Marker and Tag properties of the three different Stem objects to different values. Each row of the value cell array corresponds to an object in st and contains two values, one for the Marker property and one for the Tag property. Get x = 0:30; y = [1.5*cos(x); 4*exp(...
Set the Marker and Tag properties of the three different Stem objects to different values. Each row of the value cell array corresponds to an object in st and contains two values, one for the Marker property and one for the Tag property. Get x = 0:30; y = [1.5*cos(x); 4*exp(...
Set the Marker and Tag properties of the three different Stem objects to different values. Each row of the value cell array corresponds to an object in st and contains two values, one for the Marker property and one for the Tag property. Get x = 0:30; y = [1.5*cos(x); 4*exp(...