1. set linesize 设置每行显示的长度 2. set pagesize 设置每页显示的长度 oracle中的数据是采用一页页显示的方式输出的 但是上面的设置方式是通过命令行的形式设置的 可以采用一劳永逸的方法 : 找到oracle/product/10.1.0/db_1/sqlplus/admin/下的glogin文件 打开在最后加入以下命令: --定义缓冲编辑器为vi def...
在sql*plus中,可以运行sql*plus命令与sql*plus语句。 我们通常所说的DML、DDL、DCL语句都是sql*plus语句,它们执行完后,都可以保存在一个被称为sql buffer的内存区域中,并且只能保存一条最近执行的sql语句,我们可以对保存在sql buffer中的sql 语句进行修改,然后再次执行,sql*plus一般都与数据库打交道。 除了sql*...
Autocommit commits after each SQL command or PL/SQL block AUTOP[RINT] {OFF|ON} Automatic PRINTing of bind variables.(see PRINT) AUTORECOVERY [ON|OFF] Configure the RECOVER command to automatically apply archived redo log files during recovery - without any user confirmation. AUTOT[RACE] {OFF|O...
-- Notepad is the default editor in Windows, which is not very -- good for SQL input, so I use notepad++ as the replacement. define _editor="E:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" -- set linesize, pagesize, long -- The default values for these parameters are too small setlinesiz...
可以设置LINESIZE环境变量来控制行的显示宽度,缺省是80个字符。 SET Lin[esize]{80|integer} Integer =设置行宽度(字符个数),最大值999,如: SQL>set linesize 160§2.5.4 LONG(长类型显示字节数) 在缺省的SQL> 状态下,SQL>缓冲区用于显示LONG 的字节数只有80个字符。如果我们需要查询的列中含有 LONG类型的字...
However, if LINESIZE is optimal, it may be faster to set the variables OFF. The SQL*Plus output line is blank filled throughout the query processing routines so removing the spaces could take extra effort. SET TRIMOUT and SET TRIMSPOOL are not supported in iSQL*Plus. ...
set pagesize 999 set linesize 200 column ip format a13 column sid format a7 column gather_date format a10 column tablespace_name format a23 column daily_increase_rate format a6 column percent form a7
But using that requires you to add code to your existing SQLs. Maybe instead it would be cool to set the overall script output format? Now that we haveour own SQL*Plus command line interface (AKA SQLcl), the commands that are available there are now also available in SQL Developer prope...
sqlplus执行存储过程和sql语句 2010-07-25 21:40 −1、执行带有输出类型参数的存储过程 set serveroutput on;DECLARE dwbh varchar2(20); out_param varchar2(1000); BEGIN &nb... 不远道人 0 17781 解决每次从cmd进入sqlplus,都得重新设置pagesize、linesize的问题 ...
ON or OFF controls whether SQL*Plus automatically displays bind variables (referenced in a successful PL/SQL block or used in an EXECUTE command). See PRINT for more information about displaying bind variables. SET AUTORECOVERY [ON | OFF] ...