Set-CMBootImage [-AddOptionalComponent <IResultObject[]>] [-BackgroundBitmapPath <String>] [-CopyToPackageShareOnDistributionPoint <Boolean>] [-CustomPackageShareName <String>] [-DeployFromPxeDistributionPoint <Boolean>] [-Description <String>] [-DisconnectUserFromDistributionPoint <Boolean>] [-Dis...
The helper class defined below handles the type checking and casting forImageEncodingPropertiesorVideoEncodingPropertiesso that your app code doesn't need to distinguish between the two types. In addition to this, the helper class exposes properties for the aspect ratio of the properties, the frame...
, nameof(properties)); } // Store the actual instance of the IMediaEncodingProperties for setting them later _properties = properties; } public uint Width { get { if (_properties is ImageEncodingProperties) { return (_properties as ImageEncodingProperties).Width; } else if (_properties is ...
Start from the Image Set screen: Go toBuild>Image Sets. The Image Set screen opens. Select a folder in the Asset Library and drag the images you want for your Image Set onto the Image Set screen. To change the order of images, drag the images to new locations. ...
Trim size. Your printed book's width and height. The most common trim size for books in the US is 6" x 9" (152.4 x 228.6 mm), but you have several otheroptions. Books with a measurement more than 6.12 inches (155.5 mm) or more than 9 inches (228.6 mm) in height are considered...
You must define at least one source in the NetRestore Sources pane of System Image Utility on your Mac. The source consists of a URI and a description: URI:The Uniform Resource Identifier for one of the following: The Apple Software Restore (ASR) multicast stream. For example, asr://serve...
AWS WAF uses this in combination with the provided Size and FieldToMatch to build an expression in the form of "Size ComparisonOperator size in bytes of FieldToMatch". If that expression is true, the SizeConstraint is considered to match. EQ: Used to test if the Size is ...
HRESULT SetOverlayIcon( [in] HWND hwnd, [in] HICON hIcon, [in] LPCWSTR pszDescription ); 参数 [in] hwnd 类型:HWND 其关联任务栏按钮接收覆盖的窗口的句柄。 此句柄必须属于与按钮的应用程序关联的调用进程,并且必须是有效的 HWND ,否则调用将被忽略。 [in] hIcon 类型: HICON 要用作覆盖的图标的...
ImageTest ImmediateWindow 已实现 ImplementedOverridden 实施 ImplementingImplemented ImplementingOverridden ImplementingOverriding ImplementInterface 导入 ImportCatalogPart ImportFilter ImportSettings 包括 IncreaseBrightness IncreaseContrast IncreaseDecimals IncreaseFontSize IncreaseHorizontalSpacing IncreaseIndent IncreaseVerti...
SHCreateItemInKnownFolder 函数 SHCreateItemWithParent 函数 SHCreateLibrary 函数 SHCreateShellItemArray 函数 SHCreateShellItemArrayFromDataObject 函数 SHCreateShellItemArrayFromIDLists 函数 SHCreateShellItemArrayFromShellItem 函数 SHDRAGIMAGE 结构