20%20%30%20%10%Java 环境变量设置过程确认是否安装 Java安装 Java设置 JAVA_HOME验证 JAVA_HOME启动 RocketMQ 总结 通过上述步骤,我们成功地解决了 Windows 上启动 RocketMQ 时遇到的“Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment”错误。现在,你可以自信地在你的系统上运用 RocketMQ 了。 如果在操...
Set the variable name to ANT_HOME and the variable value to apache-install-dir\apache-ant-version and click OK. For example, the installation directory might be C:\Java\apache-ant-1.7.0.Select New again to create the ANT_OPTS environment variable....
JAVA_HOMEis Java’s environment variable that can be set after the JDK installation. It has to be set as it determines the file location where the JDK resides. JAVA_HOME must be set to the JDK location so thejavaccompiler can be accessed. How to Set JAVA_HOME variable in Windows? Here...
Upon doing so, the “New System Variable” wizard will appear on the screen. Set the “Variable Name” as “JAVA_HOME” and in “Variable value” paste the copied path here. Then, hit the “OK” button: Step 4: Set Path Environment Variable In order to use Java from the Windows comm...
windows 命令行 设置 SET JAVA_HOME 设置的命令代码 1.reset命令 Linux reset命令其实和 tset 是一同个命令,它的用途是设定终端机的状态。一般而言,这个命令会自动的从环境变数、命令列或是其它的组态档决定目前终端机的型态。如果指定型态是 '?' 的话,这个程序会要求使用者输入终端机的型别。
点击“新”按钮。进入“家”在name字段 输入“% USERPROFILE %”或其他一些路径值的字段。单击OK,再一次。你刚刚添加的主目录在Windows。EGit查找需要这个路径的用户配置(.gitconfig)。 HOME应该指向您的home目录如。 C:\Users\Tom.确保正确的情况下!如。 C:\users而不是 C:\Users可能导致的问题!...
windows 配置nacos Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment, We need java(x64)...,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
set JAVA_HOME variable. TechTarget The OpenJDK JAVA_HOME setup tool greatly simplifies configuration. That's all there is to it. Once the OpenJDK installation is complete, the JAVA_HOME variable will be configured and the bin directory of the JDK will be added to the Windows PATH. It does...
[-HomeDirectory <String>] [-HomeDrive <String>] [-HomePage <String>] [-HomePhone <String>] [-Identity] <ADUser> [-Initials <String>] [-KerberosEncryptionType <ADKerberosEncryptionType>] [-LogonWorkstations <String>] [-Manager <ADUser>] [-MobilePhone <String>] [-Office <String>] [-...
[-HomeDirectory <String>] [-HomeDrive <String>] [-HomePage <String>] [-HomePhone <String>] [-Identity] <ADUser> [-Initials <String>] [-KerberosEncryptionType <ADKerberosEncryptionType>] [-LogonWorkstations <String>] [-Manager <ADUser>] [-MobilePhone <String>] [-Office <String>] [-...