hive.cache.expr.evaluation是 Hive 中的一个配置属性,用于指定是否启用表达式缓存的评估。表达式缓存是一项优化技术,它可以在执行查询时缓存表达式的评估结果,以减少计算开销。 在Hive 配置中,可以使用以下方式设置hive.cache.expr.evaluation: -- 启用或禁用表达式缓存的评估SEThive.cache.expr.evaluation=true; ...
boolean ignoreErrors = HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, HiveConf.ConfVars.CLIIGNOREERRORS); // 执行出错,并且不忽略错误,返回错误结果 if (ret != 0 && !ignoreErrors) { return ret; } } return lastRet; } finally { // Once we are done processing the line, restore the old handler if (oldSignal ...
- name: Setup PHP with JIT in tracing mode uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: '8.4' coverage: none ini-values: opcache.enable_cli=1, opcache.jit=tracing, opcache.jit_buffer_size=64MCache ExtensionsYou can cache PHP extensions using shivammathur/cache-extensions and action/...
hive.ignore.mapjoin.hint=true;#虽然现在可以自动转化mapjoin,但还是建议设成true,可以在需要特殊处理人为转化为mapjoin。; hive.mapjoin.smalltable.filesize=250000000; N-way join:;#开启多路join加载到map中的开关。
True: enabled. False: disabled. UDF SQL Session Specifies whether to ignore the error that occurs during result backfilling when partition pruning is being performed. For more information about partition pruning, see the "WHERE clause (where_condition)" section inSELEC...
Import-csv with $true and $false values Import-csv without header line Import-Module : There were errors in loading the format data file...because it was already present from "Microsoft.PowerShell" import-module activedirectory fails Import-Module activedirectory on remote server? Import-Module...
Items.IndexOf($Item), $true); throws exception $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' not working $ErrorActionPreference = "stop" not working $files = Get-SFTPChildItem -SessionId '0' -Path $source how to ignore folder from list $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name return null value after ...
- name: Setup PHP with JIT in tracing mode uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: '8.3' coverage: none ini-values: opcache.enable_cli=1, opcache.jit=tracing, opcache.jit_buffer_size=64MCache ExtensionsYou can cache PHP extensions using shivammathur/cache-extensions and action/...
- name: Setup PHP with JIT in tracing mode uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: '8.1' coverage: none ini-values: opcache.enable_cli=1, opcache.jit=tracing, opcache.jit_buffer_size=64MCache ExtensionsYou can cache PHP extensions using shivammathur/cache-extensions and action/...
- name: Setup PHP with JIT in tracing mode uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2 with: php-version: '8.3' coverage: none ini-values: opcache.enable_cli=1, opcache.jit=tracing, opcache.jit_buffer_size=64MCache ExtensionsYou can cache PHP extensions using shivammathur/cache-extensions and action/...