| have_statement_timeout | YES | | innodb_flush_log_at_timeout | 1 | | innodb_lock_wait_timeout | 120 | | innodb_rollback_on_timeout | OFF | | interactive_timeout | 86400 | | lock_wait_timeout | 31536000 | | net_read_timeout | 120 | | net_write_timeout | 120 | | rpl...
If the specified neighbor goes Up before timeout2 expires, the duration of the system overload bit is timeout1. timeout1 ranges from 5 to 86400, in seconds. The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes). wait-for-bgp Specifies the period during which the overload bit of the system ...
set-overload命令用来配置非伪节点LSP的过载标志位。 undo set-overload命令用来恢复非伪节点LSP的过载标志位为零。 缺省情况下,没有配置非伪节点LSP的过载标志位。 命令格式 set-overload[on-startup[timeout1|start-from-nbrsystem-id[timeout1[timeout2] ] |wait-for-bgp[timeout1] ][send-sa-bit[time...
# 需要导入模块: from PyQt4.QtGui import QProgressDialog [as 别名]# 或者: from PyQt4.QtGui.QProgressDialog importsetLabelText[as 别名]defscan_ros_distro():globalmain_widgetglobalROS_PKGS, ROS_MSGS, ROS_SRVS# reset currentROS_MSGS = [] ROS_SRVS = []# scan with progress shownprogress_di...
rgw_user_quota_sync_wait_time = 86400 rgw_user_default_quota_max_objects = -1 rgw_user_default_quota_max_size = -1 rgw_multipart_min_part_size = 5242880 rgw_olh_pending_timeout_sec = 3600 rgw_user_max_buckets = 1000 mutex_perf_counter = false ...
Sets the value of one or multiple Project Server Queue settings for a specific Project Server service application. For permissions and the most current information about Windows PowerShell for Project Server, see the online documentation at https://go.mi
$message = sprintf(gT('You have exceeded the number of maximum login attempts. Please wait %d minutes before trying again.'), App()->getConfig('timeOutTime') /60); $result->setError(self::ERROR_IP_LOCKED_OUT, $message); }// If still ok, continueif($result->isValid()) {if(is_...
request, available from the API and WUI, to force the CMAS to rebuild the user's security information the next time it is used. This request is used after adding or removing a user ID to or from a group, and the user does not want to wait to be timed out to pick up the change....
Wait for the RPD Add progress wizard to complete. To save time, you can alternatively choose to add another RPD during the Post-check Progress. Step 14 Add consecutive RPDs to Cisco cnBR. Add Service Group Configuration to cnBR You can view the RPD and modem status using Grafana. To...
I have tried several options as already discussed on here, but have had no joy - including checking that DHCP server is not checked, enabling Passive Client and enabling global multicast. The device connects without problems to the WAP321. Any other ideas? Thanks. Regards Daniel I have this ...