如果查询时使用的是show variables的话,会发现设置好像并没有生效,这是因为单纯使用show variables的话就等同于使用的是show session variables,查询的是会话变量,只有使用show global variables,查询的才是全局变量。 网上还有一种说法 interactive_timeout和wait_timeout的默认值都是28800(8小时)当这两个参数同时出现...
(5000,'db1'); -- Make sure Server1/Server2 has mysql> set global wait_timeout=6; mysql> set global interactive_timeout=6; ## [root@cluster-repo ~]# mysqldiff --server1=root@localhost --server2=ushastry@x.x.x.x:15000 --force db1:db1 --changes-for=server2 # WARNING: Using...
另一个值得注意的是会话变量wait_timeout初始化的问题,这一点在手册里已经明确指出了,我就直接拷贝了: On thread startup, the session wait_timeout value is initialized from the global wait_timeout value or from the global interactive_timeout value, depending on the type of client (as defined by ...
另一个值得注意的是会话变量wait_timeout初始化的问题,这一点在手册里已经明确指出了,我就直接拷贝了: On thread startup, the session wait_timeout value is initialized from the global wait_timeout value or from the global interactive_timeout value, depending on the type of client (as defined by ...
Set up Amazon Connect Global Resiliency Global Resiliency requirements Get started Create a replica of your existing Amazon Connect instance Create traffic distribution groups Claim phone numbers to traffic distribution groups Assign claimed phone numbers to traffic distribution groups Update telephony traffic...
PoFxSetDeviceIdleTimeout function PoFxSetTargetDripsDevicePowerState function PoFxStartDevicePowerManagement function PoFxUnregisterDevice function PoGetSystemWake function POOL_CREATE_EXTENDED_PARAMS structure POOL_EXTENDED_PARAMETER structure POOL_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE enumeration POOL_EXTENDED_PARAMS_SECURE...
Set-CsClientPolicy -Identity global -PolicyEntry @{Add=$x} For more details and examples, see the New-CsClientPolicyEntry cmdlet help topic. 展開表格 Type: PSListModifier Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to...
Delay in minutes before deleting excess idle agents - To account for the variability in build load throughout the day, Azure Pipelines will wait for the specified duration before deleting an excess idle agent. Configure VMs to run interactive tests (Windows Server OS Only) - Windows agents can...
$false: The global address list isn't visible in Outlook on the web. Expand table Type: Boolean Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False Applies to: Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exch...
PS C:\>$Sta=New-ScheduledTaskAction-Execute"Cmd"PS C:\>$Stset=New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet-RunOnlyIfIdle-IdleDuration00:02:00-IdleWaitTimeout02:30:00PS C:\>Register-ScheduledTaskTask01-Action$Sta-Settings$Stset The first command creates a scheduled task...