原因应该是你没有选中"config source"中的local、global、system选项,git配置分为这三种,界面上的<<符号表示,左侧的配置会覆盖右侧的。而你当前选中的Effective表示,这3个配置共同叠加后的结果,故不可编辑。建议切换到Global进行设置^_^
Git allows you to set variables at the system, global, local and workingtree level. If you want to use a special name or email address for a specific Git repo, you can set the git config email and username fields at the local orworktree scope. Worktree overr...
1 set git user name and email after ssh login on remote with one local user 4 How to set different user.name and user.email for each Git branch? 11 How to specify multiple user.name and user.email for different git remotes? 7 How can I set the git username and email for ...
Execute command:git config user.email "email [at] crunchify.com" Execute command:git config user.name "Crunchify, LLC" That’s it. Now you could use different username/email for each separate github or bitbucketrepository. If you liked this article, then please share it on...
git config --unset user.name git config --unset user.email git config --local user.useConfigOnly true After adding these settings, use jupyterlab-git to make an commit and you'll see the error mentioned above. Expected behavior Prompt the user for a user name and email if not set.Z...
去Git 官网下载对应系统的软件,下载地址为http://git-scm.com、http://gitforwindows.org,或者阿里镜像 上面的 git-scm 是 Git 的官方,里面有不同系统不同平台的安装包和源代码,而Git for Windows里只有 windows 系统的安装包 阿里镜像直接Ctrl+F 搜索最新版本前缀即可,如2.40.0 ...
The steps include, setting up a username and then providing an email address, so that you can commit the changes, when you use $git commit -m "message to display" command. For username: $git config --global user.name "xyz" For email address: $git config --global user.email anything...
For example, in Termux, enter apt install git and then type y when prompted. Set your username in Git. Set your commit email address in Git. Authenticating with GitHub from Git When you connect to a GitHub repository from Git, you will need to authenticate with GitHub Enterprise Cloud ...
usermod username -aG wheel Create a Git User Account Then configureGitwith the new user as follows: su username sudo git config --global user.name "Your Name" sudo git config --global user.email "you@example.com" Now verify theGitconfiguration using the following command. ...