If i send the "SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0" via the Terminal ... all is fine. Send: SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0 Recv: ok If i use instead the LCD Menu (if a print is started) Klipper reports an Error Message. Recv: !! Must home axis first: 0.000 0.000 -0.005 [0.000] Changing monitoring ...
Is there a way to set the current hight as Z=0 from GCode/Terminal? Or to define an offset which also applies after a reboot. I use the Coordinate Offset (via the Klipper Plugin for Octoprint) but this doesn't safe the offset permanently. What I want to achieve: with two fixed Z-E...
private void ensureNoRowBounds() { if (configuration.isSafeRowBoundsEnabled() && rowBounds != null && (rowBounds.getLimit() < RowBounds.NO_ROW_LIMIT || rowBounds.getOffset() > RowBounds.NO_ROW_OFFSET)) { throw new ExecutorException("Mapped Statements with nested result mappings cannot be ...
skipRows根据传递的RowBounds对象跳过offset指定的记录条数,此方法的跳过形式为ResultSet的next形式,因此属于内存的分页形式,所以针对数据稍微有点多的情况我们最好不使用RowBounds分页。 private void skipRows(ResultSet rs, RowBounds rowBounds) throws SQLException { if (rs.getType() != ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_O...
found_solution_for_all =Trueforidx, (size, node, offset_shape_arr, hull_shape_arr)inenumerate(nodes_arr):# For performance reasons, we assume that when a location does not fit,# it will also not fit for the next object (while what can be untrue).# We also skip possibilities by slic...
publicColorGradientWidget(GCodeFile gcodeFileTest):base(FlowDirection.TopToBottom){ BackgroundColor =newRGBA_Bytes(0,0,0,120); HashSet<float> speeds =newHashSet<float>(); PrinterMachineInstruction previousInstruction = gcodeFileTest.Instruction(0);for(inti =1; i < gcodeFileTest.LineCount; i+...
DefaultResultContext<Object> resultContext =newDefaultResultContext<>();ResultSetresultSet=rsw.getResultSet();// 通过游标的offset值定位到指定的记录行skipRows(resultSet, rowBounds);// 检测是否还有需要映射的记录while(shouldProcessMoreRows(resultContext, rowBounds) && !resultSet.isClosed() && result...
If you have the pen added as a second extruder and the temperature of that extruder is setbelowthe setting in the M302 register in the printer (or as set in the StartUp Gcode with an M302 line) then when the printer sees a line like "G1 F2100 E90" then nothing...
*/if(resultMap.hasNestedResultMaps()) {// 存在// <1.1> 如果不允许在嵌套语句中使用分页,则对 rowBounds 进行校验,设置了 limit 或者 offset 则抛出异常,默认允许ensureNoRowBounds();// <1.2> 校验要不要使用自定义的 ResultHandler,针对内嵌的 ResultMapcheckResultHandler();// <1.3> 处理结果集,进行映...
180. 0 0 0 0 0 0 C:\Mach3\GCode\boxjoint12.tap C:\Mach3\GCode\boxjoint13.tap file:///C:/Users/David%20Prutchi%20PhD/Desktop/X2Laser.xml 2/4/2012 C:\Mach3\GCode\ShlomoDemo.tap C:\Mach3\GCode\MsRonczka1.tap C:\Mach3\GCode\MsRonczka2.tap C:\Mach3\GCode\test laser.tap...