如继续输入命令:set(gca,'box','on','xlim',[02*pi],'YDir','reverse')后,图形变成下图所示,出现坐标边界(box),x轴显示坐标范围缩小(xlim),y轴方向反转(ydir)3 作复杂图形时可能需要修改更多的坐标属性,根据实际需要,建议用Matlab的help命令...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 @Jan Another way to explain it would be to try to obtain the values of the Y-axis based on the ordinary axes X,Y when the representation of these axes is made using: 테마복사 figure; scatter(X,Y,'filled'); set(gca,'YDir','reverse'); Adam ...
set(ax,'YDir','reverse') 4 Comments Show 2 older comments Jonathanon 22 Jul 2019 Open in MATLAB Online @Mr Roberson I would to ask something in line with this. I am using a Kin2 Toolbox for Matlab to map depth frames from color with Kinect V2 sensor. I am getting this error: ...