我暂时放弃overleaf了,在本地搭环境编译先试试 update:在本地(Windows系统,vscode+latex work shop+miktex)成功编译了,字体也是宋体,希望能帮助到以后用模板的同学 miktex 需要另外安装下perl建议使用https://strawberryperl.com/安装,并将perl.exe的路径加入环境变量PATH (C:\Strawberry\perl\bin),另外miktex在安装...
OverLeaf 选择英文模板,输入不了中文的解决方法。 1. 第一步:在抬头加上 \usepackage[UTF8]{ctex} 2. 修改默认编辑器 点击菜单 编辑器有PDFLatex换成
使用overleaf对论文进行排版: 1.首页添加页脚: 在\maketitle后添加:(显示为不加任何标记的页脚) \newcommand\blfootnote[1]{% \begingroup \renewcommand\thefootnote{}\footnote{#1}% \addtocounter{footnote}{-1}% \endgroup } \blfootnote{\#indi... ...
Overleaf enables you to go from a location in the typeset PDF to the corresponding location in your LaTeX source code, and vice-versa.Note: This feature will not work if your project’s main.texfile is stored inside a folder (i.e., it must be placed at the top (root) level of y...