Parameter Set: ByDisplayGroup Set-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup <String[]> [-Action <Action> ] [-AsJob] [-Authentication <Authentication> ] [-CimSession <CimSession[]> ] [-Description <String> ] [-Direction <Direction> ] [-DynamicTransport <DynamicTransport> ] [-EdgeTraversalPolicy <EdgeTra...
PowerShell Kopyala Set-NetFirewallRule [-Name] <String[]> [-PolicyStore <String>] [-NewDisplayName <String>] [-Description <String>] [-Enabled <Enabled>] [-Profile <Profile>] [-Platform <String[]>] [-Direction <Direction>] [-Action <Action>] [-EdgeTraversalPolicy <EdgeTraversal>] ...
PowerShell 复制 PS C:\>$nfPortFilter = Get-FirewallRule -DisplayName "Play To streaming server" | Get-NetFirewallPortFilter PS C:\>Set-NetFirewallPortFilter -LocalPort 10246 -InputObject $nfPortFilter This cmdlet can be run using only the pipeline. PS C:\>Get-FirewallRule -Display...
PowerShell 复制 Set-NetFirewallSetting [-PolicyStore <String>] [-GPOSession <String>] [-Exemptions <TrafficExemption>] [-EnableStatefulFtp <GpoBoolean>] [-EnableStatefulPptp <GpoBoolean>] [-RemoteMachineTransportAuthorizationList <String>] [-RemoteMachineTunnelAuthorizationList <String>] [-Remote...
Module: ExchangePowerShell Applies to: Exchange Server 2010, Exchange Server 2013, Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2019This cmdlet is available only in on-premises Exchange. Use the Set-ThrottlingPolicy cmdlet to modify the settings for a user throttling policy. For information about the ...
The InternalURL parameter specifies the URL that's used to connect to the virtual directory from inside the firewall. This setting is important when SSL is used. Expand table Type: Uri Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters:...
3. Use PowerShell Left-click theStartbutton, typePowerShell, and clickRun as administrator. ClickYeson theUser Account Controlprompt. Copy and paste the following lines of commands and pressEnter:netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="Allow ICMPv4" protocol=icmpv4:8,any dir=in action=allo...
If you get a firewall error, create a firewall rule on Azure to allow incoming traffic from the SQL Server computer. You can create the rule manually in the portal or in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). In SSMS, connect to the hub database on Azure by entering its name as <hub...
如果要是有一个界面把这些代码管理起来并且调用,那就很爽了 1.创建一个powershell的方法,供C#调用,...
{0CCE9232-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030}Identifies the MPSSVC Rule-Level Policy Change audit subcategory. This subcategory audits events generated by changes in policy rules used by Windows Firewall. {0CCE9234-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030}Identifies the Other Policy Change Events audit subcategory...