打开终端。 输入以下命令来设置默认浏览器(以Firefox为例):xdg-settings set default-web-browser firefox.desktop 如果你使用的是其他浏览器,只需将“firefox.desktop”替换为相应浏览器的.desktop文件名称。 关闭终端,新的默认浏览器设置将生效。 6. 在移动设备上设置默认浏览器 Setting the Default Browser on Mobi...
在“Web”部分,选择你想要设置为默认的浏览器。 6. 在手机上设置默认浏览器 Setting Default Browser on Mobile 在智能手机上,设置默认浏览器的步骤也相对简单。下面分别介绍iOS和Android系统的设置方法。 6.1 iOS iOS 打开“设置”应用。 向下滚动,找到你想要设置为默认的浏览器应用(如Chrome或Firefox)。 点击该应...
@="C:\\FirefoxPortable\\FirefoxPortable.exe,0" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\FirefoxPortableHTM\shell] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\FirefoxPortableHTM\shell\open] [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\FirefoxPortableHTM\shell\open\command] ; your browser might offer different arguments here...
A homepage is the first page that typically shows up when you open your Internet browser. An Internet browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome is preloaded with a default homepage, often Google.com or Bing.com, which appears when a user launches their web browser....
Hi, how to set default browser (for example to Firefox) for Microsoft Launcher, in scenario Android device corp-owned Fully Managed by Intune ? is there any way? http://eskonr.com/2019/03/how-to-make-edge-browser-as-default-browser-on-mobile-os-for-managed-apps/- here some ...
Firefox ships out with an HTTPS-only mode, but it's disabled by default. You should definitely Enable HTTPS-Only Mode in all windows. HTTPS provides a secure and encrypted connection between your browser and the sites you visit. Enabling HTTPS-only mode forces an HTTPS connection (if available...
How to set your default browser on macOS Do you want to try a different browser? Every Operating system comes with a default web browser installed - Windows comes with Edge, macOS comes with Safari, Ubuntu comes with Firefox. But those aren't the only browsers you can use. There are many...
Firefox Firefox Developer Edition Safari Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge Canary Licence MIT ©Gokulakrishnan Kalaikovan Install npm iset-default-browser Repository github.com/gokulkrishh/set-default-browser Version 1.1.2 Total Files 7 Tryon RunKit ...
If you install Windows 11 just now, you firstly need to install the third-party web browser on your PC. Here, we take Google Chrome as an example. If you like Firefox, Opera, or other browsers, install one and then set it as the default browser. ...
Firefox Microsoft Edge We’ll also walk you through the process inWindows 7 and 8. How to make Chrome the default browser in Windows 10 With approximately two-thirds of the overall browser market share, Google Chrome is the most popular browser by a considerable margin. Here’s how toset ...