"AppUserModelId"="FirefoxPortable" "ApplicationIcon"="C:\\FirefoxPortable\\FirefoxPortable.exe,0" "ApplicationName"="FirefoxPortable" "ApplicationDescription"="Browse the web" "ApplicationCompany"=" Firefox Portable" [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\FirefoxPortableHTM\DefaultIcon] @="C:\\FirefoxPo...
By setting Firefox Profile usingFirefoxProfileclass. By setting up Desired Capabilities using BrowserStack Automate Method 1. Using FirefoxOptions Class The following code sets up Proxy by using Class FirefoxOptions: importorg.openqa.selenium.Proxy;importorg.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;importorg.openqa.selen...
Most modern browsers (including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera) support SNI (for more information, see Server Name Indication).- IP SSL: Only one IP SSL binding may be added. This option allows only one TLS/SSL certificate to secure a dedicated public IP address. After you ...
A homepage is the first page that typically shows up when you open your Internet browser. An Internet browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome is preloaded with a default homepage, often Google.com or Bing.com, which appears when a user launches their web browser....
1. Launch your Firefox browser. 2. Click on the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the top-right corner and selectOptions. 3. In the left sidebar, click onHome. 4. UnderNew Windows and Tabs, find theHomepage and new windowsdropdown menu and selectCustom URLs. ...
capability.setBrowserName(“firefox”);capability.setVersion(“4”); Note that the capabilities which are not specified for the test would be ignored, such as in the above example where the platform parameter is not specified and it gets a match. ...
The article provides tips on how to set up Mozilla Firefox web browser.PAUL, IANPCWorld
I want to run tests with Firefox/protractor with the cache feature disabled. (Actually, I'm trying to prevent 304 HTTP responses). There are multiple ways to do this: Disable the cache from the backend-side by modifying the relevant head...
Chrome Edge Firefox Opera Safari Chrome Android Firefox for Android Opera Android Safari on iOS Samsung Internet WebView Android WebView on iOS Deno Node.js setInterval 1 Toggle history 12 Toggle history 1 Toggle history 4 Toggle history
Learn about the Window.setTimeout() method, including its syntax, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.