pm— MATLAB array mwPointer dims— Dimensions array mwSize ndim— Number of dimensions mwSize Examples See these examples inmatlabroot/extern/examples/mx: mxsetdimensionsf.F Version History Introduced before R2006a Select a Web Site Choose a web site to get translated content where available and se...
setDimStrs(dimID,label,unit,format)sets the label, unit, and format attributes for the dimension identified bydimID. This function corresponds to theSDsetdimstrsfunction in the HDF library C API. Examples*sdID = sd.start('myfile.hdf','create'); sdsID = sd.create...
You can also use the following MATLAB®functions with asobolsetobject. The software treats the point set object like a matrix of multidimensional points. lengthLength of largest array dimension sizeArray size Examples collapse all Create Sobol Point Set ...
(2,2).x.y.z')% If a parameter is N dimensions, a single element of% the parameter can be accessed by specifying each'top/constant','Value(3,4)', val) val = tg.getparam('top/constant','Value(3,4)')% If a parameter is Mx1 or 1xN (row or column ...
Open in MATLAB Online Hi everyone, I'm currently doing a research on HVAC control using Reinforcement Learning. The HVAC system and the building is modelled in EnergyPlus, while the RL is implemented in Matlab. Between Simulink and EnergyPlus, I use...
The Figure clearly shows a continuing improvement of the ESB over the cycles. Fig. 4 Progress of the ESB over 50 cycles for one instance of Table 4 Full size image Note that the ESB computed in Algorithm 2 is indeed a valid bound, because any y is feasible for (14) and hence its ...
Figure 1. Iterative machine learning algorithm: the flowchart. The following definition, instrumental for the scheme in Figure 1, states how the state/equilibrium pair is managed: Definition 4. An input-state pair (𝑢𝑠,𝑥𝑠)∈IR𝑚+𝑛(us,xs)∈IRm+n is an equilibrium pair of the...
Figure 6.5. Algorithm QuickReduct. 1. Greedy hill climbing—In this search method, the dependency function is used to identify the locally best features. The reaching of maximum dependency is the stopping criteria for the search procedure. 2. Breadth-first search—In this search method, all feat...
You can easily program it in C, C++, Fortran, Matlab, or some other software program. I have run Mathcad for the fracture pattern at the lower right of Figure 6.9 for several p directions and graphed it in a polar plot to make it easier to visualize the fracture tensor (left polar ...
Modify number of dimensions and size of each dimension expand all in page C Syntax #include "matrix.h" int (mxArray *pm, const mwSize *dims, mwSize ndim); Description mxSetDimensionsreturns0on success, and1on failure.mxSetDimensionsallocates heap space to hold the input size array. So it...