a.To position or secure so as to be fixed or immobile:set the fence post in cement. b.To put in a mounting; mount:set an emerald in a pendant. c.To apply jewels to; stud:The tiara was set with diamonds. d.To cause (a hook) to become fixed in a fish's mouth. ...
The part, or fate, that falls to one, as it were, by chance, or without one's planning. Set To position or secure so as to be fixed or immobile Set the fence post in cement. Lot A prize in a lottery. Set To put in a mounting; mount Set an emerald in a pendant. Lot Allotmen...
Now, truth be told, I am lazy, and work hard at it. I wanted to find a way to lift out old fence posts that are embedded in the ground in concrete without having to resort to digging them out of the ground with a shovel, and thereby breaking too much of a sweat in the process....
to become firm or hard, as a glue or cement: a paint that sets up within five minutes. to lead or lure into a dangerous, detrimental, or embarrassing situation, as by deceitful prearrangement or connivance. to entrap or frame, as an innocent person in a crime or a criminal suspect in...
Some will put the post on the soil, hammer a few nails in the side of the post and pour cement around it. The requirement tobury 42" below grade is because of the frost thatwould heave the posts and deck if it were on top of grade. ...
Chemistryto become or cause (glue, mortar, etc.) to become fixed or hard:[no object]Has the glue set yet?[~+object]The cold air will set the cement faster. to urge to attack:[~+object]to set the hounds on a trespasser. Music and Dance[~+object] ...
Garage 24x24 Post Frame Elevated Sawdust Bin Farming and Construction Baby Tractor Large Home Garden tractor Tractor Forklift Three layer Felt Roofing Manual Hoist Tractor Front Hydraulic Lift Cattle Feeder Midget Tractor 1 Tractor Scoop Loader plan Cement Mixer Midget Tractor 2 Tractor Scraper Grader...
VERSATILE USES: Suitable for an endless range of jobs around the home, in the workplace, and for vehicles, this socket wrench set is your new best friend – you won’t want to be without it! THE VONHAUS PROMISE: All our products are...
without high again home around small however found mrs part thought school went say once general upon war left every don't does got united number hand course water until away always public s something fact less though far put head think set called enough almost end took government night yet ...
4.To put into a stable or fixed position, as: a.To position or secure so as to be fixed or immobile:set the fence post in cement. b.To put in a mounting; mount:set an emerald in a pendant. c.To apply jewels to; stud:The tiara was set with diamonds. ...