Azure Feature Exposure Control (AFEC) is available through theMicrosoft.Featuresnamespace. Preview features have the following format for the resource ID: Microsoft.Features/providers/{resourceProviderNamespace}/features/{featureName} Required access ...
FeaturedResultsSetName The name for the set of featured results. Type: String Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 1000. Pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9][ a-zA-Z0-9_-]* LastUpdatedTimestamp The timestamp when the set of featured results was last updated. Type: Long Quer...
// returns the number of sensitive areas that intersect the selected featurevarpublicLandFeatures =FeatureSetByName($map,"public lands", ["class"],true);varsensitiveAreas =Filter(publicLandFeatures,"class = 'sensitive'");Count(Intersects( sensitiveAreas,$feature) ); Profiles that support FeatureSe...
If tenant-wide deployment isn't enabled, the SharePoint Feature framework adds command set buttons using a custom action. The custom action is defined in ./sharepoint/assets/elements.xml file.XML Copy <Elements xmlns=""> <CustomAction Title="CommandSet...
When you work with an Online Analytical Processing OLAP PivotTable in Excel, you can create named sets, a flexible feature that you can use to: Group common sets of items that you can re-use, even when those sets are not present in the data. ...
name:Text- The name of the column to store the result of the given expression. expression:Text- A SQL-92 expression from which to calculate a unique value. Return value:FeatureSet Examples Returns a FeatureSet with a 'Status' column. Each row of the FeatureSet contains a unique status val...
IFeatureEventListener IModel IModelListener IXrKitFeature OnSurfaceReadyListener TakeScreenshotListener Class Summary XrKitFeatureFactory Enum Value Summary IArFaceView.ModelType IArFaceView.SurfaceType IFeatureEventListener.FeatureEventType Exception Summary XrkitArCameraNotAvailableExcepti...
HRESULTSetFontFamilyName( [in] WCHARconst*fontFamilyName, DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE textRange ); 参数 [in] fontFamilyName 类型:const WCHAR* 应用于textRange指定范围内的整个文本字符串的字体系列名称。 textRange 类型:DWRITE_TEXT_RANGE 应用此更改的文本范围。
WITH feat_tab AS ( SELECT F.feature_id fid, A.attribute_name attr, TO_CHAR(A.attribute_value) val, A.coefficient coeff FROM TABLE(DBMS_DATA_MINING.GET_MODEL_DETAILS_NMF('nmf_sh_sample')) F, TABLE(F.attribute_set) A WHERE A.coefficient > 0.25 ), feat AS ( SELECT fid, CAST(COLLE...
设置Camera Location信息。 Parameters Parameter name Parameter type Parameter desc location CameraLocation Camera Location枚举值。 getLocation getDesc 意见反馈 以上内容对您是否有帮助? 意见反馈 如果您有其他疑问,您也可以通过开发者社区问答频道来和我们联系探讨。 社区提问智能客服提问 ...