设置日志清理时间为5天的命令是setexpire_logs_days=120。() 查看答案
设置日志清理时间为5天的命令是setexpire_logsdays=5。() 查看答案
方式三 执行指令 purge master logs before 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss',该命令将删除日志为"yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss”之前产生的所有日志。 方式四 设置参数 -expire_logs_days=#,此参数的含义是设置日志的过期天数,过了指定的天数后日志将会被自动删除,这样将有利于减少DBA管理日志的工作量。 配置如下: 2.3...
secure_file_priv=/var/lib/mysql expire_logs_days=7 sql_mode=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION max_connections=1000 server-id=101 # 核心 log-bin=mysql-slave-bin # 核心 relay_log=edu-mysql-relay-bin # 核心 [client] defaul...
When is bin-logs expired by expire_log_days? Other MySQL® Questions 22852May 30, 2014 After Dynamic expire_logs_days Change, Only Manual Flushing Works Percona Server for MySQL 5.6 0783July 31, 2016 Changes in my.cnf not applying to audit plugin ...
Set the group lifetime in days. You can select one of the preset values or a custom value. It should be 30 days or more. Specify an email address where the renewal and expiration notifications are sent when a group has no owner. Select which Microsoft 365 groups expire. You can set ...
Set the group lifetime in days. You can select one of the preset values or a custom value. It should be 30 days or more. Specify an email address where the renewal and expiration notifications are sent when a group has no owner. Select which Microsoft 365 groups expire. You can set ex...
二进制日志的清除通常是由PURGE BINARY LOGS命令或者通过配置参数(如expire_logs_days)自动管理的。gtid_purged变量允许MySQL在没有物理日志文件的情况下,仍然知道哪些GTID已经被执行过。 复制和恢复: 在复制和恢复操作中,gtid_purged变量确保了即使某些事务的日志已经被清除,MySQL也能正确地识别和同步这些事务,特别是在...
Description: MySQL 5.0.60sp1 (AMD 64) on Solaris 10 at patch level Generic_118855-14 crashes when the parameter "expire_logs_days" is set. The database does not crash when one omits this setting. Also tested MySQL 5.0.60sp1 (AMD 64) on Solaris 10 at patch level Generic_120012-14 ...
CONFIG SET * 1) "timeout" 2) "requirepass" 3) "masterauth" 4) "slotmigrate" 5) "userpass" 6) "userblacklist" 7) "dump-prefix" 8) "maxclients" 9) "dump-expire" 10) "expire-logs-days" ... Then execute any command Such as: get a reply: "write-buffer-size" The reason is...