e) Google’s ISA Restricted Apple’s Ability To Enter Into A Search Partnership With DuckDuckGo For Safari’s Private Browsing Mode 762. Apple considers itself a market leader on privacy. Tr. 2480:3–9 (Cue (Apple)) (Apple “led on privacy across the board” and “thou...
Then inside Developer applications click on Register new application Enter Application Name and Homepage URL For Authorization Callback URL: http://localhost:3000/auth/github/callback Click Register application Now copy and paste Client ID and Client Secret keys into .env fileSign...
e) Google’s ISA Restricted Apple’s Ability To Enter Into A Search Partnership With DuckDuckGo For Safari’s Private Browsing Mode 762. Apple considers itself a market leader on privacy. Tr. 2480:3–9 (Cue (Apple)) (Apple “led on privacy across the board” and “thought we c...