小八第八 理学统计学硕士 4 人赞同了该文章 问题描述 当大家使用cmd或者ananconda prompt终端使用命令conda activate base来激活base环境或者激活其他环境是出现了如下代码提示: C:\Users\XXX>conda activate base C:\Users\XXX>SET DISTUTILS_USE_SDK=1 C:\Users\XXX>SET MSSdk=1 C:\Users\XXX>SET platform=...
Pycharm cannotsetupa pythonSDK问题解决方法 一、问题原因(如果不是第一次使用pycharm,我觉得可以跳过这一章) 进入Pycharm后,打开之前的项目,打开Pycharm→file→settings→project interpreter,按照下图1选择配置之后,点击【OK】会出现报错,如图2 二、解决办法 修改你想使用的venv文件夹下的配置文件,文件如下 ...
python中setuptools的作用是什么,项目,关系,文件,尤其是,增强版python中setuptools的作用是什么易采站长站,站长之家为您整理了python中setuptools的作用是什么的相关内容。什么是setuptoolssetuptools是Pythondistutils增强版的集合,它可以帮助我们更简单的创建和分发Python包,尤其是拥有依赖关系的。用户在使用setupt ...
Use PyPI distutils or setuptools Create the $HOME/.pypirc File Use .netrc to Upload PyPI Packages Upload Authenticated PyPI Packages to JFrog Artifactory Upload PyPI Egg and Wheel Packages Use PyPI Enforce Layout Use PyPI File Path Name Normalization Using Both PyPI File Path Naming No...
Use a Pip Configuration File Use a Pip Requirements File Publish PyPI Packages to Artifactory Use PyPI distutils or setuptools Create the $HOME/.pypirc File Use .netrc to Upload PyPI Packages Upload Authenticated PyPI Packages to JFrog Artifactory Upload PyPI Egg and Wheel Packages Use...
Set your credentials up:https://developers.google.com/cloud/sdk/gcloud/#gcloud.auth. Run the command below. It will print a web page URL. Navigate there, authorize the gcloud instance you just installed to use the services it lists, copy the access token and give it to the shell prompt....
After configuring the clouds you intend to use, skip to Running a Single Benchmark, unless you are going to use an object storage benchmark, in which case you need to configure a boto file.Install gcloud and setup authenticationInstructions: https://developers.google.com/cloud/sdk/. If you...
python中setuptools的作用是什么,项目,关系,文件,尤其是,增强版python中setuptools的作用是什么易采站长站,站长之家为您整理了python中setuptools的作用是什么的相关内容。什么是setuptoolssetuptools是Pythondistutils增强版的集合,它可以帮助我们更简单的创建和分发Python包,尤其是拥有依赖关系的。用户在使用setupt ...
Use a Pip Configuration File Use a Pip Requirements File Publish PyPI Packages to Artifactory Use PyPI distutils or setuptools Create the $HOME/.pypirc File Use .netrc to Upload PyPI Packages Upload Authenticated PyPI Packages to JFrog Artifactory Upload PyPI Egg and Wheel Packages Use...
After configuring the clouds you intend to use, skip toRunning a Single Benchmark, unless you are going to use an object storage benchmark, in which case you need toconfigure a boto file. Installgcloudand setup authentication Instructions:https://developers.google.com/cloud/sdk/. If you're ...