对于③来说,通过设置非法的起始点,此时max delay生效,会存在reg1/Q到reg2/D的timing check ,但是同时,会打断reg1的cp到Q端口的timig arc,导致reg1到reg3的timing check为unconstrained。如下图所示 因此在design时候一定要注意: 如果有max_delay约束,一定要看此约束是否生效,另外在约束生效的时候,原来存在的同步...
timfishcommentedOct 1, 2016 I'd like to be able to set a differentscaleExtentfor each of x and y too. This would make it easier to disable zoom on a single axis. jfsiiicommentedOct 17, 2016 I just learned abouthttps://github.com/trinary/d3-transform/ There's also a PR to update ...
Write this bit to 0 to disable alert output with the Status. dSOCi bit. This bit is set to 0 at power-up. TAlrten: Temperature Alert Enable. Set this bit to 1 to enable temperature based alerts. Write this bit to 0 to disable temperature alerts. This bit is set to 1 at power-...
事前準備で、より快適な旅を。 手荷物 機内に持ち込む手荷物は7kg*まで。 お手荷物の準備は、お済みですか? お手荷物には、機内にお持ち込みいただける「機内持込手荷物」とチェックインカウンターにてお預けいただく「受託手荷物」があり、どちらにも制限がありますので、詳細をご確認のう...