SQL> CREATE USER user01 IDENTIFIED BY oracle DEFAULT TABLESPACE tbs1 TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp PROFILE default / SQL> GRANT create session, create table TO user01;While executing the command to create a table, the user...
For example, SET NEWNAME FOR TABLESPACE users TO NEW sets OMF names for the data files of the users tablespace to be created in the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST location (see Example 2-89). If the original file is an Oracle-managed file or is on an ASM disk group, then RMAN attempts to ...
phys-X#sqlplus "/ as sysdba"sql>grant connect, resource touseridentified bypasswd;sql>alter user oracle default tablespace system quota 1m on system;sql>grant select on v_$sysstat to oracle;sql>grant select on v_$archive_dest to oracle;sql>grant create session to oracle;sql>grant create ta...
[单选题] You have set Tablespace Full Metrics Threshold values for the USERS tablespace as follows Warning (%) 90 Critical (%) 95 Which background process is responsible for issuing alerts when the threshold is crossed() ...
系统变量(Oracle 模式) character_set_server 更新时间:2024-12-26 23:00:00 character_set_server 用于设置服务器字符集。 属性描述 参数类型string 默认值utf8mb4 取值范围 utf8mb4 binary gbk gb18030 utf16 生效范围 GLOBAL SESSION 是否可以为空是 ...
1、打开终端(快捷键 Ctrl+Alt+T) 2、编辑50-no-guest.conf文件,按照以下命令编辑, sudo gedit...
更新时间:2024-10-23 23:00:00 character_set_database用于设置默认数据库的字符集。 属性描述 参数类型string 默认值utf8mb4 取值范围 utf8mb4 binary gbk gb18030 utf16 生效范围 Global Session 是否可以为空是 说明 该变量当前暂不生效。 反馈
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 12.1]: ORA-31600: invalid input value REMAP_TABLESPACE for parameter NAME in function SE
查询数据库tablespace语句 查询数据库的语句 一数据库常用语句 -查看所有库SHOW DATABASES;-使用数据库USE 数据库名-查看当前所在数据库SELECT DATABASE();-查看当前时间、用户名、数据库版本SELECT now(), user(), version();-查看库默认字符集SHOW CREATE DATABASE 数据库名-创建库CREATE DATABASE 数据库名-...
--//首先给出oracle官方的解析: FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS Initialization Parameter You can use the FILESYSTEMIO_OPTIONS initialization parameter to enable or disable asynchronous I/O or direct I/O on file system files. This parameter is platform-specific and has a default value that is best for...