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You now can set spawn points in your Minecraft server whether it’s vanilla, modded, or uses plugins. This will give you complete control over how new and returning players join the game. The standard is to have one spawn point for all users, but with certain functions from plugins or mo...
我试过用/spawn..我试过用/spawnpoint 设置出生点,也用过/setworldspawn 设置出生点,可是别人进来的游侠的时候都在出生点一定范围内出生,如何设置成精准在一个坐标上出生呢?求解!!熊孩子很麻烦
今天在bbs上随便下了个整合包玩,但是玩到一半发现不能睡觉,在晚上右击床就提示我spawnpoint set,不能躺下睡觉,而且我死了以后也并没有在床的位置复活,想请教一下这是游戏bug还是某个模组造成的,求懂的大佬解答。这些是我装的模组 送TA礼物 1楼2022-11-20 16:11回复 a...
包路径:net.minecraft.world.WorldServer 类名称:WorldServer 方法名:setSpawnPoint WorldServer.setSpawnPoint介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: thraaawn/CompactMachines @EventHandler publicvoidonServerAboutToStart(FMLServerAboutToStartEventevent){
包路径:net.minecraft.world.WorldServer 类名称:WorldServer 方法名:setSpawnPoint WorldServer.setSpawnPoint介绍 暂无 代码示例 代码示例来源:origin: thraaawn/CompactMachines @EventHandler publicvoidonServerAboutToStart(FMLServerAboutToStartEventevent){
Configuring a Fixed Spawn Point If you would like your server to have only one predefined spawn point, you can set a fixed spawn point using your server's control panel. Note:Project Zomboid requires three coordinates in the configuration file, but you only need to use the first two. ...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to set your spawn point (spawnpoint) in the game with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. Let's start by first explaining what a spawn point is. When you die in Minecraft, you will respawn again in your world.