Don't turn off Windows Firewall unless you have another firewall turned on. Turning off Windows Firewall might make your device and network vulnerable to damage from hackers. To set up a firewall, follow the instructions:Swipe in from the right edge of the screen (if using a mouse, ...
To minimize these types of restarts, set the WEBSITE_ADD_SITENAME_BINDINGS_IN_APPHOST_CONFIG=1 app setting on all slots. However, this app setting doesn't work with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) apps.Next stepBlock access to nonproduction slots Note: The author created this article ...
To configure the appropriate level of security required for a specific master server/target server communication channel, set the SQL Server Agent registry subkey \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\<instance_name>\SQLServerAgent\MsxEncryptChannelOptions(REG_DWORD) on the target...
Then, click on the device you want to make the default audio output device. How to set Audio device as default in Windows 10 We can change default Sound Output Device in Windows 10 in 4 quick and easy ways. We’ll explore this topic under the methods outlined below in this section: ...
How to set Audio device as default in Windows 10 We can change default Sound Output Device in Windows 10 in 4 quick and easy ways. We’ll explore this topic under the methods outlined below in this section: Via Volume icon on Taskbar ...
Notice that if you select No, the selected network adapter in Device Manager and the ghosted network adapter have the same IP address. In most cases, this causes no problems, because the driver is disabled.Lưu ý On a computer that is running Windows Server 2008, you receive...
In this guide, you will learn how to change the settings to configure another microphone as the new system defaults on Windows 10.
Download the DevCon tool in Windows Device Console (Devcon.exe). Unpack the 32-bit or 64-bit DevCon tool binary to a local folder. Select Start, select Run, type cmd, and then press Enter. If you're running Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012, use the Search charm to search...
Stop-CsWindowsService Sync-CsClsLogging Sync-CsUserData Test-CsAddressBookService Test-CsAddressBookWebQuery Test-CsASConference Test-CsAudioConferencingProvider Test-CsAVConference Test-CsAVEdgeConnectivity Test-CsCertificateConfiguration Test-CsClientAuth Test-CsClientAuthentication Test-CsComputer Test-CsData...
Good to know: After clicking on the “Network” entry on the right-hand side, the Explorer in Windows 11 also shows other devices that are currently active on the network in addition to your PCs. Depending on the Wi-Fi router and the device settings, routers, Wi-Fi repeaters, smart home...