2. 管理应用程序 (Manage Applications) 在“设置”中选择“应用”,你可以查看已安装的应用程序,并进行卸载或更改设置。 3. 设置默认应用 (Set Default Applications) 在“应用”设置中,选择“默认应用”。你可以设置默认的浏览器、邮件客户端、音乐播放器等。 4. 更新应用程序 (Update Applications) 定期更新应用...
Set default app for ".xml" to "nodepad++" Steps: Find where are the two applications exe files are located: In the windows search menu, type "7zip", there is the "7zip file manager", right click - open file location:C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\7-Zip In the...
In Windows 10 (version 2004) or later,some applications prioritize the graphics performance preference settings in Windows over the default selection settings in the graphics card manufacturer's control panel (such as NVIDIA Control Panel and AMD Radeon Software). For instance, if you set a specifi...
On a clean reference system I launched default Programs and set Internet Explorer as the default web browser.I then used Dism to export the default applications definition to an XML file called apps.xml in C:\WINDOWS.I then reset the default web browser back to Edge. I then fired up local...
Using Windows Device Portal You can click onStartupcolumn corresponding to the app. Using the shell Steps to set the default app using the shell Connect to the device viaPowerShell List the applications installed usingiotstartup list Note the appid for the application you want to make as defau...
This example sets westus2 as the default region: Azure CLI Copy az configure --defaults location=westus2 Create the App Service instancesHere you create App Service instances for the three stages that you'll deploy to: Dev, Test, and Staging. You'll add a deployment slot to Staging late...
Set Default Start Menu Layout for Users in Windows 10 Open Registry Editor. Go to the following Registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer Tip: See how to jump to the desired Registry key with one click. If you do not have such a key, then just create ...
Controls whether Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Vista will load any type of test-signed kernel-mode code. This option is not set by default, which means test-signed kernel-mode drivers on 64-bit versions of Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows...
Default value: 10,000 records MaxValRange - This value controls the number of values that are returned for an attribute of an object, independent of how many attributes that object has, or of how many objects were in the search result. In Windows 2000, this control is hard-coded ...
It's not working on Windows 10, and this appears to be because the Set-ItemProperty cmdlet has no effect. No error message or anything, it just doesn't do anything.The IIS site api.example.com already exists, and we're using Powershell to create the /myapp application and...