Specify the user name and schema name of your choice in place of “role_name” and “schema_name”. Step 1: Current Default Schema We are currently logged in as the “postgres” user whose default schema is “public”, as shown in the following snippet: Step 2: Change the Default Schem...
stmt.execute("GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;"); stmt.execute("GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO public;"); stmt.execute("COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'standard public schema';"); } } return ds; } 代码示例来源:origin: GoSimpleLLC/jpgAgent Database() { data_source = new PGSimple...
SELECT pg_total_relation_size('bdmap.cfz18')/1024/1024 MB; 查看schema下各表数据量: select relname,pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size(relid)) from pg_stat_user_tables where schemaname ='public' order by pg_total_relation_size(relid) desc; 查看表数据量: select reltuples::bigint from...
DB = Sequel.connect('postgres://user:password@host:port/database_name') # requires pg 1. 你也可以提供可选参数,例如,连接池大小,SQL查询的logger: DB = Sequel.connect("postgres://user:password@host:port/database_name", :max_connections => 10, :logger => Logger.new('log/db.log')) 1....
Now, you can migrate the initial database schema to our PostgreSQL database using the management script: ~/myprojectdir/manage.py makemigrations ~/myprojectdir/manage.py migrate Copy Create an administrative user for the project by typing: ...
Update-AzSqlSyncSchema Az.SqlVirtualMachine Az.Ssh Az.StackHCI Az.StackHCIVM Az.StandbyPool Az.Storage Az.StorageAction Az.StorageCache Az.StorageMover Az.StorageSync Az.StreamAnalytics Az.Subscription Az.Support Az.Synapse Az.Terraform Az.TimeSeriesInsights Az.TrafficManager Az.VMware Az.VoiceServi...
schema=p.getProperty("schema",null); returnsource; } 代码示例来源:origin: GoSimpleLLC/jpgAgent /** * Returns a connection to the specified database with autocommit on. * * @param host_name * @param database * @return * @throws SQLException ...
"postgres://user@"\ pics note JuiceFS uses publicschemaby default, if you want to use anon-public schema, you need to specifysearch_pathin the connection string parameter. e.gpostgres://user:mypassword@ ...
schema, branch, rev ) grp_name = branch+' revision '+str(rev) grp_idx = self.iface.legendInterface().addGroup( grp_name )forlayer_idinreversed(self.current_layers): layer = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().mapLayer(layer_id) new_uri = QgsDataSourceURI(layer.source()) ...
# 需要導入模塊: from PyQt4.QtSql import QSqlDatabase [as 別名]# 或者: from PyQt4.QtSql.QSqlDatabase importsetDatabaseName[as 別名]defgetDatabase(self, database ='postgres'):(host, port, user, password) = self.getServerConfiguration(self.serversCombo.currentText()) ...