alter session set current_schema=schema user即oracle中的用户,和所有系统的中用户概念类似,用户所持有的是系统的权限及资源;而schema所涵盖的是各种对象,它包含了表、函数、 包等等对象的“所在地”,并不包括对他们的权限控制。好比一个房子,里面放满了家具,对这些家具有支配权的是房子的主人(user),而不是房子...
ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA was undocumented in Oracle8 and prior releases. It is partially documented in the Oracle8i, Oracle9i, and Oracle10gSQL Reference manuals. There are undocumented restrictions concerning certain database objects. Restrictions apply to Advanced Queuing, the SQL statement REN...
是指在Oracle数据库中设置一个模式(schema)的密码永不过期。模式是数据库中的一个逻辑容器,用于组织和管理数据库对象,如表、视图、索引等。 设置密码永不过期的优势是可以确保模式的密码不会在一定时间后过期,避免了定期更改密码的繁琐操作,提高了数据库的安全性和可用性。
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and laterOracle Database Cloud Exadata Service - Version N/A and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.SymptomsAlter session set current schema errors with ORA-02019 with Database links.The following scenario will ...
alter session set current_schema = netmis_app upudate nm_hardware b set b.cacti_url = ( select a.CACTI_FLUX_URL from (select AS ID ,nm_server_info.CACTI_FLUX_URL AS CACTO_FLUX_URL from nm_hardware,nm_server_info ...
I'm not sure why the schema stuff is in this patch? for i in range(len(ids))would be better written withizip(found in six I believe) Needs tests! Docs should be updated to reflect this. comment:11by匿名用户,12年 ago Needs tests:设置 ...
Specifies the owner of the SQL tuning set, or NULL for current schema owner. Examples Copy -- Delete all statements in a sql tuning set. EXEC DBMS_SQLSET.DELETE_SQLSET(sqlset_name => 'my_workload'); -- Delete all statements in a sql tuning set which ran for less than a second ...
Update-AzSqlSyncSchema Az.SqlVirtualMachine Az.Ssh Az.StackHCI Az.StackHCIVM Az.StandbyPool Az.Storage Az.StorageAction Az.StorageCache Az.StorageMover Az.StorageSync Az.StreamAnalytics Az.Subscription Az.Support Az.Synapse Az.Terraform Az.TimeSeriesInsights Az.TrafficManager Az.VMware Az.VoiceServi...
This section lists the commands needed to create a database and load the default Data Definition Language (DDL). The export DDL is generated by tools provided with Waveset to match the current export schema. Thecreate_warehousescripts are located in the$WSHOME/exporterdirectory. Waveset also in...
Updates the metadata schema to include InnoDB ClusterSet metadata. Sets theskip_replica_startsystem variable toONon all the member servers so that replication threads are not automatically started. Adds the target InnoDB Cluster to the InnoDB ClusterSet in the metadata and marks it as the primary ...