HY090不正確字串或緩衝區長度(DM)*ValuePtr是字元字串,BufferLength小於零,但不等於SQL_NTS。 (DM) 驅動程式是 ODBC 2*.x* 驅動程式,描述元是 ARD,ColumnNumber引數設定為 0,而針對 BufferLength指定的值不等於 4。 HY091不正確描述元欄位識別碼FieldIdentifier引數指定的值不是 ODBC 定義的欄位,也不...
The SQLSetDescRec function sets a variety of fields that affect the data type and buffer bound to a column or parameter (the SQL_DESC_TYPE, SQL_DESC_DATETIME_INTERVAL_CODE, SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH, SQL_DESC_PRECISION, SQL_DESC_SCALE, SQL_DESC_DATA_PTR, SQL_DESC_OCTET_LENGTH_PTR, and ...
is_identity_columnbit如果列是标识列,则返回 1;否则,返回 0。 如果无法确定列是否为标识列,则返回 NULL。 is_part_of_unique_keybit如果列是唯一索引的一部分(包括唯一约束和主约束),则返回 1;否则,返回 0。 如果无法确定列是否为唯一索引的一部分,则返回 NULL。 仅在请求浏...
Specifies that positioned updates or deletes made through the cursor don't succeed if the row was updated since being read into the cursor. SQL Server doesn't lock rows as they're read into the cursor. Instead, it uses comparisons of timestamp column values, or a checksum value, if the...
1、@Column注解 就像@Table注解用来标识实体类与数据表的对应关系类似,@Column注解来标识实体类中属性与数据表中字段的对应关系。 @Column注解一共有10个属性,这10个属性均为可选属性,各属性含义分别如下: name name属性定义了被标注字段在数据库表中所对应字段的名称; unique unique属性表示该字段是否为唯一标识,...
In theColumn Propertiesdialog box, click theCollectiontab, and then choose one of the following collection types: Unordered, Non-Repeating Group Of Values (Set)Allows population instances of a field in a column to have multiple values, but each value must be unique. The value...
SQL Copy if exists (select 1 from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS where TABLE_NAME = 'SY00100') begin declare @Statement varchar(850) select @Statement = 'declare @cStatement varchar(255) declare G_cursor CURSOR for select case w...
请将"table_name"、"column1"和"column2"替换为你实际的表名和列名,"value1"和"value2"替换为实际的数据值。 如果设置成功,执行插入操作时将不会触发唯一约束的检查,即使插入了重复的数据。 4. 恢复原来的设置 在完成需要禁用唯一约束的操作后,你应该将"unique_checks"参数恢复到原来的设置,以确保数据库的一致...
Unless specified otherwise, uses the default column name col for elements of the array or key and value for the elements of the map select explode(array(10, 20)) from input array如果需要分割,需要和split嵌套使用 SELECT explode(split('1,2,3',',')) from input SELECT explode(map('A',...
To find inactive mailboxes, run the command Get-Mailbox -InactiveMailboxOnly | Format-List Name,PrimarySmtpAddress,DistinguishedName,ExchangeGuid and then use the DistinguishedName or ExchangeGuid property values for the Identity parameter (values guaranteed to be unique). This switch is required to...