set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON) include(GNUInstallDirs) ### @@ -144,8 +160,7 @@ endif() ## Build ## ### set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} -std=c99 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -Wno-address-of-packed-member") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ...
It must be clarified that providing just the slot information will make Clevis to guess one of the available keys matched on the token in the selected slot, which could cause accidentally encryption with unwanted keys.It is not recommended to use slot as device selector, as slot id is a nu...
cmakecommands(1) cmakecompat(1) cmakemodules(1) cmakepolicies(1) cmakeprops(1) cmakevars(1) cmap_alloc(1) cmap_compact(1) cmp(1) cmp(1g) col(1) columns(1) comb(1) comm(1) comm(1g) command(1) comp_err(1) compare(1) composite(1) compress(1) config.guess(1) config.sub(...
In the Azure Cloud Shell pane on the right, run the following commands to create a username and generate a random password: Bash Copy USERNAME=azureuser PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 32) Run the following command in Cloud Shell to create a VM: Azure CLI Copy az vm create \ ...
Set capacitance on output ports and output pins Syntax set_load [‑rise] [‑fall] [‑max] [‑min] [‑quiet] [‑verbose] <capacitance> <objects> Usage Name Description [-rise] Specify the rise capacitance value (for ports only) [-fall] Spe
门禁构建开始,包含静态检查、代码编译和测试【dayu200测试, 格式化检查, dayu200_xts编译, part_compile编译, dayu200编译, dayu200_tdd编译】,预计在60分钟内完成,门禁结果会同步发送到注册邮箱。您可以通过如下链接跟踪门禁进展: ...
Create the initial configuration on the server You only have to refresh the configuration and node configuration on the pull server when you upgrade and deploy packages to the repository. If you're not starting with a Resource Manager template, there are PowerShell commands to help you register ...
export YB_REMOTE_COMPILATION=0 # We are not double-quoting $cmake_extra_args on purpose to allow multiple arguments. # shellcheck disable=SC2086 cmake "${cmake_opts[@]}" $cmake_extra_args "$YB_SRC_ROOT" ) capture_sec_timestamp "cmake_end" fi if "$cmake_only"; then ...
cd Python-2.7.10 sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/python2 # Compile and install the Python package. sudo make sudo make install Maven The following sample commands show how to install Maven in a Linux operating system. The path of the Maven package varies based on actual situations. ...
HLS Tcl Commands Project Commands add_files apply_ini cat_ini close_project close_solution cosim_design cosim_stall create_clock csim_design csynth_design delete_project delete_solution enable_beta_device export_design get_clock_period get_clock_uncertainty get_component ...