1. 解释“build type not set (defaults to release)”的含义 在CMake构建系统中,如果未明确指定构建类型(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE),则默认构建类型为Release。这意味着如果没有特别指定,CMake会使用优化编译选项来生成代码,以提高程序的运行效率,但这样的编译方式通常不包括调试信息,也不包含用于调试的代码部分(如断言)...
if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) # CMake defaults to leaving CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE empty. This screws up # differentiation between debug and release builds. set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "RelWithDebInfo" CACHE STRING "Choose the type of build, options are: None (CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or CMAKE_C_FLAGS used) ...
mkdir build mkdir install_arm64 cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../aarch64-linux-gnu.toolchain.cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/code/automotive_repo/algo/third/eigen3/install_arm64 .. make install 二、make eigen时,提示“Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!”,“C...
CMake projects C++ Build Insights Compare header units, modules, and precompiled headers Header units Precompiled header files C++ release builds Use the MSVC toolset from the command line Use MSBuild from the command line Walkthrough: Create and use a static library (C++) Building C++ DLLs in ...
CMake projects C++ Build Insights Compare header units, modules, and precompiled headers Header units Precompiled header files C++ release builds Use the MSVC toolset from the command line Use MSBuild from the command line Walkthrough: Create and use a static library (C++) ...
CMake projects C++ Build Insights Compare header units, modules, and precompiled headers Header units Precompiled header files C++ release builds Use the MSVC toolset from the command line Use MSBuild from the command line Walkthrough: Create and use a static library (C++) ...
cmake_build_type: "${cmake_build_type:-undefined}" build_root: "$BUILD_ROOT" compiler_type: "$YB_COMPILER_TYPE" thirdparty_dir: "${YB_THIRDPARTY_DIR:-$YB_SRC_ROOT/thirdparty}" EOT if using_linuxbrew; then echo "linuxbrew_dir: \"${YB_LINUXBREW_DIR:-}\"" >>"$build...
立即登录 HarmonyOS 5.0.0(12) FAQ 版本说明 指南 API参考 最佳实践 FAQ 变更预告 更多 无法调试,IDE提示“ The target can not be empty. Check the build-profile.json5 file of the project root directory and make sure the targets of the modules in configuration is set to specified product: defaul...
使用Atls 800T A2训练ChatGLM 6B-PyTorch(在运行bash预处理数据集)时报错RuntimeError: Initialize:build/CMakeFiles/torch_npu.dir/compiler_depend.ts:217 NPU function error: at_npu::native::Acl...