I don't think you ever want to use system dependencies with mavsdk_server, because you build mavsdk, mavsdk_server, and mavsdk_server_bin at the same time and install it together, locally or system wide. Yes, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is absolute, but it does work, and without it, it doesn...
CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH 是一个布尔变量,用于指示CMake在构建过程中是否应该使用安装时的RPATH。默认情况下,这个变量是FALSE,意味着在构建过程中使用构建时的RPATH,而在安装后,CMake会重新链接可执行文件和共享库,使它们使用安装时的RPATH。 2. 通过设置cmake_build_with_install_rpath变量来避免relink问题 ...
DLT_USE_QT_RPATH variable is meant to set RPATH only when set to ON, not regardless of its value. Update cmakelists.txt to set RPATH only if requested … Verified 8bbbac1 alexmucde added the enhancement label Jan 25, 2023 alexmucde added this to the Release v2.24.0 milestone Ja...
Cmake中该操作是会在${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/CMakeScratch这个路径下面生成一个独特的哈希后缀文件夹,该文件夹是临时的,可以加上--debug-trycompile命令让他不删除保留然后看里面的.cmake文件; CMake automatically generates, for each try_compile operation, a unique directory under ${CMAKE_BINARY_...
Once I comment out theCMAKE_SKIP_RPATHinconanbuildinfo.cmake. this app runs like a charm! When I look at mysfmltestapp's rpaths I see the following: $ otool -l sfmltest | grep LC_RPATH -A2 cmd LC_RPATH cmdsize 120 path /Users/cpbotha/.conan/data/sfml/2.3.2/cpbotha/stable/packag...