set_clock_latency 是一个在综合和时序分析中使用的指令,用于指定时钟网络中的额外延迟,也就是latency。这个延迟值代表从虚拟(或理想)时钟到最长Late(-late)或者最短Early(-early)路径的外部延迟,参考时钟跳变的Rise(-rise)或者Fall(-fall)。 set_clock_latency 的主要作用和特点: 定义时钟延迟:set_clock_latency...
-late 表示延时的可能最大值。 例如, set_clock_latency –source –late 1.234 sys_clk set_clock_latency –source –early 1.10 sys_clk … the board-level clock delay to sys_clk can be as late as 1.234ns and as early as 1.10ns early. 可见,early和late分别表示的是延时的最小值和最大值。
-late 表示延时的可能最大值。 例如, set_clock_latency –source –late 1.234 sys_clk set_clock_latency –source –early 1.10 sys_clk … the board-level clock delay to sys_clk can be as late as 1.234ns and as early as 1.10ns early. 可见,early和late分别表示的是延时的最小值和最大值。
Set Clock Latency(set_clock_latency)约束使您能够制定时钟网络中的额外延迟(也就是,latency)。此延迟值代表从虚拟(或理想)时钟到最长Late(-late)或者最短Early(-early)路径的外部延迟,参考时钟跳变的Rise(-rise)或者Fall(-fall)。 当计算设置分析时,Timing Analyzer对数据到达路径使用晚期时钟延迟,对时钟到达路径...
刚开始学dc,有些用法比较模糊,记录一下set_clock_latency与set_clock_uncertainty的理解:1,set_clock_latency用于描述时钟源到寄存器时钟输入端的延迟,包括source和network延迟,在pre-layout约束时,同时使用;在post-layout时,准确的说,cts之后,只设置source latency,因为network 延迟已经包含在sdf里了。如法如下:...
Since Vivado completely controls the clock placement, clock tree, and clock routing in the design during implementation, what does set_clock_latency do in this case? Does it let me tell Vivado that it must insert some fixed latency (assuming using -late) after the clock enters the FPGA?
1、标准单元库 2、STA环境: PrimeTime (1)定义时钟: 建立时钟:create_clock 时钟不确定性:set_clock_uncertainty 时钟偏差skew和抖动jitter: 时钟网络延时latency: 生成时钟:generated clock (2)输入输出路径约束 DRC:设计规则检查 虚拟时钟:virtual...
we didn't push set_clock_latency very much, but I also haven't seen it from ASIC designers who knew SDC better than anyone at Altera). It's all just addition and subtraction though, so if you want to try and account for the clock with a different line item, or roll it...
An application program that schedules audio data to be played earlier than the current latency-clock time risks having the data played late. For more information about latency clocks, see the following: The discussion of the KSPROPERTY_SYNTH_LATENCYCLOCK property in Latency Clocks. The descriptions ...
(usually exponential) function of wall clock time. We assume a computationally unbounded adversary that can corrupt at mostt=⌈n/3⌉−1 peers creating Byzantine faults. The adversary is static, that is the set of corrupted peers is fixed before the protocol starts, but this set is not ...