1. The meeting starts exactly at 9 o'clock as announced, and we set our watch by it. (会议如通知的那样9点整开始,我们都据此来安排时间。) 2. The delivery time announced by the supplier is consistent, and we set our watch by it for production planning. (供应商宣布的交货时间很稳定,我们...
Hardware Clock vs. System Clock Modern devices maintain two types of clocks to keep track of time. Thesystem clockis managed by the device's operating system, for example, Ubuntu. It synchronizes with online time servers when connected to the internet. Timestamps forfiles,scheduled tasks, andl...
Step 1 Place your Seth Thomas atomic clock face-down on a table or desk and locate a series of buttons labeled "PST," "MST," "CST" and "EST" on the back of the clock. Press the appropriate button to set the time zone. Video of the Day Step 2 Turn your attention to the small ...
A pair of experimental atomic clocks based on ytterbium atoms at NIST has set a record for stability. Acting like 21st-century pendulums, the clock
Atomic fountain clock with very high frequency stability employing a pulse-tube-cryocooled sapphire oscillator The frequency stability of an atomic fountain clock was significantly improved by employing an ultra-stable local oscillator and increasing the number of a... A Takamizawa,S Yanagimachi,T Tana...
The first step to set the clock on your Kenmore range is to check the actual time on another device. It's recommended that you use a clock set to the atomic clock for the most accuracy. This could be your cellular phone or a computer. ...
@Test void poll() { final AtomicLong aLong = new AtomicLong(42); final long stepTime = 60; final StepValue<Long> stepValue = new StepValue<Long>(clock, stepTime) { @Override public Supplier<Long> valueSupplier() { return () -> aLong.getAndSet(0); } @Override public Long noValue(...
std::chrono::system_clock::now std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t std::chrono::time_point std::chrono::time_point::max std::chrono::time_point::min std::chrono::time_point::operators (operator-) std::chrono::time_point::time_point std::chrono::time_point::time_since_epoch std...
"Anatomic clockuses an electronic transition between two energy levels of an atom as a frequency standard," Associate Professor O'Connor said. "The atomic clock is what is commonly used in GPS satellites and in otherquantum computingand astronomy applications but our clock is set to disrupt these...