Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.dll Sets the starting and ending character positions for the Bookmark control. C# 复制 public void SetRange (int start, int end); Parameters start Int32 The starting character position of the Bookmark control. end Int32 The ending character position ...
Applies ToWord for Microsoft 365 Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac Word 2024 Word 2024 for Mac Word 2021 Word 2021 for Mac Word 2019 Word 2019 for Mac Word 2016 Word 2013 When you're sending letters to your mailing list you can customize the message. For example, include the words...
Microsoft.Office.Tools.Word.dll Sets the list level for one or more items in a numbered list in theBookmark. C# publicvoidSetListLevel(shortLevel); Parameters Level Int16 A number that indicates the new list level. Applies to ProduktsVersijas ...
PreviousBookmark PreviousBookmarkInFile PreviousBookmarkInFolder PreviousError PreviousFrame PrimaryKeyError PrimaryKeyWarning 列印 PrintDialog PrintDirect PrintDocument PrintPreview PrintPreviewDialog PrintPreviewFourPages PrintPreviewMaxPages PrintPreviewOnePage PrintPreviewSixPages PrintPreviewThreePages PrintPreviewTwo...
.setBookmarkIcon(newImageIcon(EditorWindow.class.getResource("/resources/menu/connection.gif"))); scrollPane.setIconRowHeaderEnabled(true); scrollPane.setFoldIndicatorEnabled(true); mainSplitPane.setLeftComponent(scrollPane); JScrollPane treeScrollPane =newJScrollPane(); ...
cmdidZoomIn cmdidZoomOut cmdidZoomPercent ECMD_SHOWALLFILES IDM_DEBUGGER_CONTEXT_MENUS IDM_VS_CTXT_CODEWIN msotcidAlignWellMenu msotcidArrangeWellMenu msotcidBookmarkWellMenu msotcidCenterWellMenu msotcidCommandBars msotcidDebugMenuVB msotcidDebugPopWellMenu msotcidDebugWellMenu msot...
It includes a description of how to enable the Bookmark sub-menus in Everything. filter not to be found, falling back to the defaultfilter. Just a guess .. If that is the case, workaround would be usingin the search query and leave the filter set to ...
{// The aDescription must be smaller that the maximim descriptor storage size__ASSERT_ALWAYS(aDescription.Length() <= Bookmark::KMaxDescriptorLength, User::Panic(Bookmark::KBookmarkErrTooLong, KErrArgument)); iParent.LeaveIfNotWritableL();if(iDescription) ...
); fieldSet->Update(); ASSERT_EQ(u" SET MyBookmark \"Hello world!\"", fieldSet->GetFieldCode()); // Refer to the bookmark by name in a REF field and display its contents. auto fieldRef = System::ExplicitCast<FieldRef>(builder->InsertField(FieldType::FieldRef, true)); fieldRef...
The "Past due" example would use anIf...Then...Elserule, specifying to include the text, "Past due" for recipients where the value of a Due Date field is in the past. Setting up rules is done after selecting recipients for the mail merge, and after inserting merge fields in the docu...