打开组策略管理控制台 (gpmc.msc) 并切换到编辑现有策略或新建一个策略。 导航到<计算机/用户配置>\管理模板\Windows 组件\Microsoft Edge。 双击“设置默认搜索引擎”,设置为“启用”,并输入 https://www.bing.com/sa/osd/bfb.xml 通过将生成的 GPO 链接到适当的域来强制执行此系列设置。
Double-clickUse New Tab Page as homepage, and set it toEnabled. Navigate to<Computer/User Configuration>\Administrative Templates\Google Chrome - Default Settings\New Tab Page. Double-clickConfigure the New Tab Page URL, set it toEnabled, and enterhttps://www.bing.com/business?form=BFBSPR ...
按兩下 [預設搜尋提供者立即 URL],然後輸入https://www.bing.com/business/search?q={searchTerms}&form=BFBSPR 按兩下 [預設搜尋引擎名稱],將它設為 [已啟用],然後輸入「Bing 中的 Microsoft Search」 按兩下 [預設搜尋提供者搜尋 URL],將它設為 [已啟用],然後輸入https://www.bing.com/business/search?
How to Set Google as Default Search Engine in Microsoft Edge: Open Settings, Click on Privacy, search, and services, Select Address bar and search, Click on Bing, Select Google.
are preloaded with default homepages, which appear upon launching your web browser. In most cases, the homepage is already set to Google or Bing, two leading search engines. If your homepage is not preset to Google, you can make it your homepage by going to the browser's settings options...
Bing":{"__typename":"Forum","id":"board:Bing","entityType":"FORUM","displayId":"Bing","nodeType":"board","depth":4,"conversationStyle":"FORUM","title":"Microsoft Bing","description":"","avatar":null,"profileSettings":{"__typename":"ProfileSettings","language":null},"...
Clear browsing data option of Microsoft Edge and check if you face the issue. To do so perform the steps below. Click on the More actions icon next to the feedback icon present on top right corner of the Project Spartan homepage. Select Settings and click on Choose what to clear. Check...
homepage and default search engine, the new tab page is set to Bing homepage by default (which is basically what Microsoft would always do in all its product since Bing is a part of it). This short tutorial will show you how to set the new tab page to Google in Microsoft Edge. ...
How to Set Google as Default Search Engine with CSP Intune Profiles – Fig.2 OMA-URI settingsset up the Default Search Engine in theEdgebrowser, and the value is the most critical setting in the policy. Thetablebelow provides more details. ...
- I just realized that by using the "FrontPage" extension (possibly thinking we suddenly need to despite our homepage already being set as Bing--and this is happening in ALL browsers!!!) is cancelling out every one of our settings to "resume where we left off"!!!