以下是一个示例函数setAxiosHeader,用于设置请求头信息: importaxiosfrom'axios';functionsetAxiosHeader(){constinstance=axios.create({baseURL:'headers:{'Content-Type':'application/json','Authorization':'Bearer your_token'}});// 设置通用的请求头信息instance.defaults.headers.common['Authorization']='Beare...
步骤2:引入axios模块 在你的代码中引入axios模块: import axios from 'axios'; 1. 步骤3:创建axios实例 创建一个axios实例并设置基本的配置: const instance = axios.create({ baseURL: ' }); 1. 2. 3. 步骤4:设置请求头 为axios实例设置请求头: instance.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = 'Be...
I am setting the idToken as authorization header for a standalone backend for my project as follows import axios from "axios"; import { getApp } from "firebase/app"; import { getAuth } from "firebase/auth"; const auth = getAuth(getApp()); export const axiosInstance = axios.create({...
setHeader 用来支持前后端分离项目的token验证机制,支持多token。向PageOffice后端请求设置header,支持多次调用setHeader()设置更多的值,具体属性名称和属性值以您实际开发为准。 语法: POBrowser.setHeader(key, value); 示例: importaxiosfrom"axios";import{ POBrowser }from"js-pageoffice";constservice = axios.crea...
config.headers.post['header1'] ='value';returnconfig; }); You can send a get request with Headers (for authentication with jwt for example): axios.get('https://example.com/getSomething', {headers: {Authorization:'Bearer '+ token//the token is a variable which holds the token} ...
importaxiosfrom"axios";import{ POBrowser }from"js-pageoffice";constservice = axios.create({baseURL:"/dev-api",timeout:5000,});// 请求拦截器service.interceptors.request.use((config) => {//const token = Cookies.get('token');consttoken ="123";if(token) {config.headers["Authorization"] =...
What should I do if error 404 is reported during installation of the Axios library? Is the key in the header of an HTTP request case sensitive in ArkTS? What should I do if httpRequest.request fails SSL certificate verification for using HTTPS? How do I implement resumable download?
axios.defaults.headers.common['x-rapid-api-key'] = API_KEY; If you want to add headers only to specific request types like GET, you can use the defaults.headers.get property. This snippet will add the x-rapidapi-key header to all the GET requests. js Copy axios.defaults.headers.get[...
console.log("token过期了");//await refreshTokenApi(user.refresh_token) ;//坑 !!! 不能使用 rquest 实例发起请求 因为在请求拦截器统一了token(使用的是token) 但是我封装的更新tokne接口使用的是 refresh_token 故我们要使用干净的 axios 去发起请求const{ data } =awaitaxios({ ...