Click theNew…button to add a new system variable, inputANDROID_HOMEas the variable name, and input the Android SDK location directory path ( such as C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk ) as the variable value. Select variablePathand clickEditbutton and add;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;...
7、suppor和androidx的对接会有所区别,对接时请注意。 8、快手有ad版本和ct版本的sdk,如果只需要广告,则引入ad版本即可,ad版本更新会更快,并且包更小。如果需要使用短视频短剧等功能,再引入ct包,ct包包含短视频短剧以及广告,包更大,更新频率慢。ad和ct不能同时使用,只能选择一个。 9、虽然初始化以及每种广告...
.NET for Android .NET for Android API 33, .NET for Android API 34 SetDataSource(MediaDataSource) 设置要使用的数据源(MediaDataSource)。 C# 复制 [Android.Runtime.Register("setDataSource", "(Landroid/media/MediaDataSource;)V", "GetSetDataSource_Landroid_media_MediaDataSource_Handler...
Android.App.Admin Android.App.AppSearch Android.App.AppSearch.Exceptions Android.App.AppSearch.Observers Android.App.AppSearch.Util Android.App.Assist Android.App.Backup Android.App.Blob Android.App.Job Android.App.People Android.App.Roles Android.App.SdkSandbox Android.A...
1、把这个变量配置到系统变量里的path里:D:\Android_SDK\android-sdk-windows\build-tools\29.0.3 2、把下图三个文件复制到tools文件里,如图 重新运行appium-doctor命令,结果如图,代表环境没问题了 再次运行自动安装apk代码看看是否还报错 结果还是报错
Original error: Could not find ‘adb.exe’ in path.Please set the ANDROID_HOME environment variable with the Android SDK root directory path. 啰嗦部分: 这个报错解决了很久,大概是半年吧,是想起来就搞一下,解决不了就放弃那种。直到最近下定决心解决它。第一天查资料–未解决,第二天问同学等–未解决,...
location in File Explorer, copy the path from the address bar, and paste this path into theAndroid SDK Locationbox. For example, if your Android SDK location is atC:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk, clear the old path in theAndroid SDK Locationbox, paste in this path, and c...
It shows the evaluated value for the Include Directories, which is C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\Include. It shows the two inherited values: $(VC_IncludePath) and $(WindowsSDK_IncludePath). A checkbox for 'Inherit from parent or project defaults' is selected....
It shows the evaluated value for the Include Directories, which is C:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\Include. It shows the two inherited values: $(VC_IncludePath) and $(WindowsSDK_IncludePath). A checkbox for 'Inherit from parent or project defaults' is selected....
limited to Win32, x64, ARM, ARM64, Android, and iOS. Thex86target platform that you might see inConfiguration Manageris identical toWin32in native C++ projects. Win32 means 32-bit Windows andx64means 64-bit Windows. For more information about these two platforms, seeRunning 32-bit ...