{ "patchMode": "Manual", "enableHotpatching": true, "assessmentMode": "ImageDefault" }, "winRM": { "listeners": [ { "protocol": "Http", "certificateUrl": "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa" } ] } }, "secrets": [], "allowExtensionOperations": true, "requireGuestProvisionSignal": true, "...
DeviceMemoryReusePlan 结构体类 AippChannelSwapPara AippCropPara AippCscPara AippDtcPara AippInputShape AippPaddingPara AippResizePara BuildOptions DynamicShapeConfig NativeHandle 模型管家V2接口 Overview 模型编译类 Build CreateModelBuilder 已编译模型类 CreateBuiltModel CheckCompatibi...
DeviceMemoryReusePlan 结构体类 AippChannelSwapPara AippCropPara AippCscPara AippDtcPara AippInputShape AippPaddingPara AippResizePara BuildOptions DynamicShapeConfig NativeHandle 模型管家V2接口 Overview 模型编译类 Build CreateModelBuilder 已编译模型类 CreateBuiltModel CheckCompatibi...
【E-12】Variable x already exists, disallowed. Did you mean to set reuse=True or reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE in VarScope? Originally defined at: 目录链接 一、错误提示 二、错误原因 三、解决办法 方法一:重置图模型,刷新变量 方法二: 回到顶部 一、错误提示 回到顶部 二、错误原因 出现这个问题就是tensorflo...
With the Set-CsClientPin cmdlet you can either assign a user a specific PIN or you can allow Skype for Business Server to generate a PIN for you. To auto-generate a PIN, simply omit the PIN parameter when calling the Set-CsClientPin cmdlet. If you do that, a new PIN will be ...
Set-ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy -Identity:Management -DevicePasswordEnabled:$true -AlphanumericDevicePasswordRequired:$true -PasswordRecoveryEnabled:$true -AllowCamera:$true -AllowWiFi:$false -AllowStorageCard:$true -AllowPOPIMAPEmail:$falseThis example sets several policy settings for the Mobile Device mailbo...
if (!socket_set_option($socket,SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,1)) { echo'Unable to set option on socket: '.socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) .PHP_EOL; } if (!socket_bind($socket,'',1223)) { echo'Unable to bind socket: '.socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) .PHP_EOL; ...
"reuse-merge": true }, "builds": [ { "job": { "name": "UI Tests" } }, { "job": { "name": "Performance Tests" }, "changed-files": [ "/platform/**", "/deployments/**" ] }, { "teamcity": { "configuration": "Integration_Tests", ...
(at the prompt, allow the Windows firewall to let connections in) Once fortio server is running, you can visit its web UI at http://localhost:8080/fortio/ You can get a preview of the reporting/graphing UI at https://demo.fortio.org Command line arguments Fortio can be a HTTP or gRP...
在运行验证码(cnn)的识别代码时报错:ValueError: Variable wc1 already exists, disallowed. Did you mean to set reuse=True or reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE in VarScope? Originally defined at 原因:重复使用变量wc1 解决方案:在代码前面加上以下一行代码