Set-ADUser [-Identity] <ADUser> [-AccountExpirationDate <System.Nullable[System.DateTime]>] [-AccountNotDelegated <System.Nullable[bool]>] [-Add <hashtable>] [-AllowReversiblePasswordEncryption <System.Nullable[bool]>] [-CannotChangePassword <System.Nullable[bool]>] [-Certificates <hashtable>] ...
TheSet-ADUsercmdlet modifies the properties of an Active Directory user. You can modify commonly used property values by using the cmdlet parameters. You can set property values that are not associated with cmdlet parameters by using theAdd,Remove,Replace, andClearparameters. TheIdentityparameter speci...
Set-ADUser -Identity $userInfo.sAMAccountName -replace @{title=$title; department=$department; physicalDeliveryOfficeName=$office; company=$company; "msDS-cloudExtensionAttribute1"="$EmployeeType"} Set-ADUser -Identity $userInfo.sAMAccountName -StreetAddress $street -POBox $suite -City $city -Stat...
This command replaces the old values of the multi-valued attributeurlwith the new values and sets the value of the attributedescription. Example 5: Remove a value from an attribute PowerShell PS C:\>Set-ADObject-Identity"cdadd380-d3a8-4fd1-9d30-5cf72d94a056"-Remove@{url="www.contoso...
[-Identity] <ADUser> [-Initials <String>] [-KerberosEncryptionType <ADKerberosEncryptionType>] [-LogonWorkstations <String>] [-Manager <ADUser>] [-MobilePhone <String>] [-Office <String>] [-OfficePhone <String>] [-Organization <String>] [-OtherName <String>] [-Partition <String>] [...
Get-ADObject: A parameter cannot be found that matches the parameter name 'identity' get-adprincipalgroupmembership Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership Error Get-Aduser -Credential passthrough Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties DisplayName, Name,Surname,LastLogondate,Title | select DisplayName,Name,Surname,...
[-Identity] <ADUser> [-Initials <String>] [-KerberosEncryptionType <ADKerberosEncryptionType>] [-LogonWorkstations <String>] [-Manager <ADUser>] [-MobilePhone <String>] [-Office <String>] [-OfficePhone <String>] [-Organization <String>] [-OtherName <String>] [-Partition <String>] [...
Get-ADUser-Identity SID or Get-ADGroup -Identity SID Thus, you have found that the user corp\dvivar had Full Control permissions on this directory. How to Restore NTFS Permissions with iCacls? You can restore NTFS permissions on a folder using the previously created veteran_ntfs_perms.txt fil...
[-Identity] <ADOrganizationalUnit> [-ManagedBy <ADPrincipal>] [-Partition <String>] [-PassThru] [-PostalCode <String>] [-ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion <Boolean>] [-Remove <Hashtable>] [-Replace <Hashtable>] [-Server <String>] [-State <String>] [-StreetAddress <String>] [<Common...