rotator New Relative Rotation New relative rotation of the actor's root component boolean Sweep Whether we sweep to the destination location, triggering overlaps along the way and stopping short of the target if blocked by something. Only the root component is swept and checked for blocking collisi...
SetActorRotation直接设置物体的旋转 AddActorLocalRotation在物体当前的基础上进行旋转
Set Actor Rotation (Pitch: 0, Yaw: 90, Roll: 0) 或者,如果你希望使用欧拉角(Euler Angles)或者四元数(Quaternion)来设置旋转,你也可以在节点的“Rotation”输入引脚上连接一个包含这些信息的变量或节点输出。 执行或播放蓝图以查看旋转效果: 完成上述步骤后,保存你的蓝图并返回到Unreal Engine的主编辑器。选...
ue4 设置旋转值 SetActorLocationAndRotation 1 新建c++class 类MyActor 2 MyActor.h MyActor.cpp 3 ... 查看原文 ue4 创建静态网格物体 CreateDefaultSubobject 1创建c++类MyActor2MyActor.hMyActor.cpp3在面板下可以看到mesh 已经创建好 ue4 通过tag查找Actor...
UE4之SetRelativeLocation 和SetRelativeRotation 技术标签: UE4参考: SetRelativeLocation :设置组件相对于父组件的位置 参数为 FVector 我这里主要举个例子在说明这个函数的意思,比较直观 调用如下函数: MSke.....
0806 设定演员轮换量表_(0806 SetActorRotation Scale Transfrom_) 0807 集符相关变换_(0807 SetActorRelative Transform_) 0808 添加演员本地偏移世界偏移_(0808 AddActorLocalOffset WorldOffset_) 0809 添加角色本地旋转世界旋转_(0809 AddActorLocalRotation WorldRotation_) ...
}else{// No actor was found. Attempt to get the object as a component in the case that we are editing them directly.SceneComponent = Cast<USceneComponent>( Object ); }// Set the relative translation and rotation. Note they are set once instead of individually to avoid a redundant compon...
0803 SetActorLocation和HitResult_ 0804 DrawDebugPoint Line绘制点线_ 0805 绘制调试球_(0805 DrawDebugSphere_) 第08章_物体的空间变换 6-10课 0806 设定演员轮换量表_(0806 SetActorRotation Scale Transfrom_) 0807 集符相关变换_(0807 SetActorRelative Transform_) ...
ASetActorLocationAndRotation();protected:// Called when the game starts or when spawnedvirtualvoidBeginPlay()override;public:// Called every framevirtualvoidTick(floatDeltaTime)override;UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,Category=Location)FVector NewLocation;UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere,Category=Location)FQuat NewRotation;};...
vector New Location The new location to teleport the Actor to. rotator New Rotation The new rotation for the Actor. boolean Sweep Whether we sweep to the destination location, triggering overlaps along the way and stopping short of the target if blocked by something. Only the root component is...