Throttling policy settings are stored in Active Directory. By default, there is one default user throttling policy named GlobalThrottlingPolicy with a throttling scope of Global. Exchange Setup creates this policy as part of the Client Access server role
catalog.set_execution_parameter_value [ @execution_id = execution_id , [ @object_type = ] object_type , [ @parameter_name = ] parameter_name , [ @parameter_value = ] parameter_value 参数[ @execution_id = ] execution_id 执行实例的唯一标识符。 execution_id 为...
從衍生 DbConfiguration自 之類別的建構函式呼叫這個方法,以註冊 IDbExecutionStrategy ,以便與指定不變異名稱所代表的提供者搭配使用,以及指定伺服器名稱。 C# 複製 protected internal void SetExecutionStrategy (string providerInvariantName, Func<System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.IDbExecutionStrategy> getExecutionStrategy...
catalog.set_execution_parameter_value [ @execution_id = execution_id , [ @object_type = ] object_type , [ @parameter_name = ] parameter_name , [ @parameter_value = ] parameter_value Arguments[ @execution_id = ] execution_id The unique identifier for the instance of execution. The execu...
Tip The output of the Get-OrganizationConfig cmdlet often shows curly braces or {} around properties values that accept multiple comma-separated values. Don't use those extra characters in values for the corresponding parameters on this cmdlet. Use the s
SetExpandDimsType 函数功能设置原始Format向运行时Format转换时的补维规则。 函数原型void SetExpandDimsType(const ExpandDimsTy……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
SetOriginFormat 函数功能向CompileTimeTensorDesc中设置Tensor的原始数据排布格式。 函数原型void SetOriginFormat(const ge::……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
如果dwMinimumWorkingSetSize和dwMaximumWorkingSetSize的值为 (SIZE_T) –1,则 函数会从指定进程的工作集中删除尽可能多的页。 [in] dwMaximumWorkingSetSize 进程的最大工作集大小(以字节为单位)。 每当进程处于活动状态且可用内存不足时,虚拟内存管理器会尝试在进程中保留的内存不超过这么多内存。
CLion comes with powerful debugger integration, giving you access to backend debuggers such as GDB and LLDB via a uniform UI. The IDE helps you debug efficiently with its built-in variables view, a va
如果MitigationPolicy參數是ProcessControlFlowGuardPolicy,此參數會指向指定CFG原則旗標的PROCESS_MITIGATION_CONTROL_FLOW_GUARD_POLICY結構。 如果MitigationPolicy參數為ProcessSignaturePolicy,此參數會指向指定簽章原則旗標的PROCESS_MITIGATION_BINARY_SIGNATURE_POLICY結構。