Suspend Poll: 0 CODEC Finite State Machine: State: Idle, Event: 0 Connection: None, Call Type: Two Party, Direction: Rx only Line Type: 600 ohm, PCM Encoding: u-law, Disc Type: OSI, Ringing Frequency: 20Hz, Distinctive Ring Guard timer: 0 msec Disconnect timer: 1000 msec, Disconnect ...
Log.d(LOG_TAG,"suspendApp ; pause the event stream"); CommonActivityUtils.pauseEventStream(VectorApp.this); }else{ Log.d(LOG_TAG,"suspendApp ; the event stream is not paused because GCM is disabled."); }// the sessions are not anymore seen as "online"ArrayList<MXSession> sessions = ...
//Data that youaddwhile the syncsessionis paused doesnot sync to Atlas. // However,the data isstilladded to therealm locally. realm.write(() { realm.addAll<Car>([ Car(ObjectId(),"Volvo"), Car(ObjectId(),"Genesis"), Car(ObjectId(),"VW") ...
You can also suspend, resume and cancel tasks. URLSessionDownloadTask has the extra ability to pause for future resumption. Generally, URLSession returns data in two ways: Via a completion handler when a task finishes, either successfully or with an error; or, By calling methods on a delega...
You can also suspend, resume and cancel tasks. URLSessionDownloadTask has the extra ability to pause for future resumption. Generally, URLSession returns data in two ways: Via a completion handler when a task finishes, either successfully or with an error; or, By calling methods on a delega...
You can also suspend, resume and cancel tasks. URLSessionDownloadTask has the extra ability to pause for future resumption. Generally, URLSession returns data in two ways: Via a completion handler when a task finishes, either successfully or with an error; or, By calling methods on a delega...
You can also suspend, resume and cancel tasks. URLSessionDownloadTask has the extra ability to pause for future resumption. Generally, URLSession returns data in two ways: Via a completion handler when a task finishes, either successfully or with an error; or, By calling methods on a delega...
Suspend threads individually or collectively. Step back to the beginning of a previously called method (pop a call) in the current call stack. Run multiple debugging sessions at the same time. For example, you might need this capability to debug a client-server application. 124 ...
Hook Switch Register: 10, Suspend Poll: 0 CODEC Finite State Machine: State: Idle, Event: 0 Connection: None, Call Type: Two Party, Direction: Rx only Line Type: 600 ohm, PCM Encoding: u-law, Disc Type: OSI, Ringing Frequency: 20Hz, Distinctive Ring Guard timer: 0 msec Disc...
Hook Switch Register: 10, Suspend Poll: 0 CODEC Finite State Machine: State: Idle, Event: 0 Connection: None, Call Type: Two Party, Direction: Rx only Line Type: 600 ohm, PCM Encoding: u-law, Disc Type: OSI, Ringing Frequency: 20Hz, Distinctive Ring Guard timer: 0 msec Disc...